Wednesday 29 May 2019

Two Walks a Day (May 27, 2019)

Getting up early to work out gets easier each day - just have to keep at it. 

I got 33 minutes in.
I walked on an incline the whole time.

Even though I didn't do any jogging, I still got my sweat on.

My Honey pumping iron!

Down a little more.

It was an absolutely gorgeous day out there.

The sun was shining so bright I couldn't even look at it.

I decided that I'm going to try to get out for two walks to the road each day, one in the morning and one in the afternoon.

It's nice to get out of the office for a couple of minutes and get some fresh air.

Things are getting greener each day.

JRA went shopping on the weekend and bought us a ton more snacks.
SG is just checking out the goodies - she has lots of allergies and she can't have gluten so it's hard to find things she can have.

I got out for walk number two late in the afternoon.

I cooked up rice, peas and fish for supper.
My Honey whipped up some tartar sauce when he got home and it was a fabulous dinner.

Paddington was just as happy to have My Honey home from work as I was.

My cousins hubby (KD) caught this lobster today back in PEI.
Pretty cool looking.
I looked up why a lobster would be colored this way and apparently it's a hermaphrodite lobster.
It has female parts on one side and male parts on the other.
I had no idea.
I got over the 10,000 step mark, I need to start paying attention to some of the other targets and try to reach those too.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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