Monday 27 May 2019

Back to Alberta We Go! (May 21, 2019)

We left the room by 5 am just as planned, dropped off the rental then headed to check in.

It wasn't very busy so in no time at all we were sitting at our gate waiting for our flight.
I guess we didn't have to get here so early but I'd rather be safe than sorry.

It was freezing cold there at the gate so I had to break out my blanket.

I thought for sure it would be a super sunny day now that we were leaving and wouldn't be able to enjoy it but it looks like that isn't the case.
They are in for another grey, rainy day here in NS.
I hope the weather turns around for them soon - it can get depressing after awhile.

When we boarded the flight, the pilot made an announcement that he was going to have the flight attendant's stay seated once we were in the air because they were expecting some turbulence so I was dreading it.
It turned out to be not that bad and five hours later we landed in Edmonton, safe & sound.
It was a nice, sunny day here too so that was a nice switch from the last few days.

We stopped at this bakery in Nisku, we'd been to it once before.

I had an almond croissant and it was really good.
I find that they often tend to be over cooked but this one was just perfect.

Getting in an espresso before the next leg of our journey.
Someone has to stay awake for the drive, preferably the driver, ha ha!

We tried a few other things but the almond croissant was my favorite. 

What a lovely day we arrived to.
Everything sure got green in the few days we've been gone.

The kitties were so happy to see us.
Paddington curled up on My Honey's lap and that is where he stayed.

I disturbed him to take a picture - don't think he appreciated it either.

Professor Snuggles stayed close by too.

We got home around 3, visited with the kitties for a bit then laid down for a nap until around 5.
We had stopped at the Coop in Barrhead for chicken and that's what we had for supper.
We watched a bit of tv in the evening but by 9 pm were ready to hit the hay again.

I got my fitbit on the charger so will have it back tomorrow.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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