Thursday 2 May 2019

Happy Easter from Vancouver! (April 21, 2019)

Happy Easter!
The Easter Bunny found me in the hotel room.

It was a gorgeous, sunny day and we took advantage.
We headed over to the sky train first thing to head to downtown Vancouver.

More pink blooms, so pretty.

First ride on a sky train for these guys I think. 
We ended up getting off one stop too soon and paid a homeless man $5.00 for what turned out to be incorrect directions.
Oh well, he was friendly and I'm sure he could use it.

And we did find our way to Canada Place.

Love those sail like parts of the building.

There were flowers in bloom everywhere and they were so pretty.

It's so nice and clean around here, I really like it.

We bought some tickets for Fly Over Canada.
My mom, My Honey & I had all seen it before but liked it so much we were willing to see it again with our visitors.

We checked out the Canadian Trail first.

We just walked on the trail and checked out the sights.

Auntie A and Uncle A.

My Honey & I.

Mom and her signature smile!

Making K pose for all kinds of pictures.

This little puppy was so adorable.

Port of Vancouver.

Found PEI on the trail.

Heading in for the show.

The rest of the crew.
The show was great - I couldn't really make out which part was PEI.
I'd go see it again.

The Easter Bunny was even there!

Just some shots of downtown Vancouver.

I think it's a beautiful city.

Looks like there was sea glass in this gravel.
They probably tumbled broken glass in with the gravel then set it like this.
It looked really cool.

The mountains were just right there.

We weren't the only ones out and about today taking advantage of the nice weather.

Uncle A.
I think he was enjoying himself.

We went to a food court across the street for lunch.
Everyone kind of split up and had different things, I headed to Fatburger.

I had the bbq burger and it was pretty tasty.

There was a seating area just outside and it had lots of flowers in bloom too.

Never saw ones like this before.

We decided to do the Hop On Hop Off Tour of Vancouver next.
It's a good way to see the city without having to do too much walking.

Got a good smile from mom that time.

I just couldn't get over how far ahead they were here in the seasons and this tree was just beautiful.
If you are just meeting me for the first time, I have a thing for trees.

The bus driver said there are lots of great places to eat on this street so I took a picture of the name so we could go back and check it out another time.

Just a random painted electrical box maybe?

Just taking it all in.

Another good street for restaurants.

My Honey and I.

Me and my cousin K!

More pretty trees.

Trees all decked out in pink blooms.

Trees all decked out in white blooms.
The trees back home are still bare, we just had snow for goodness sake and these guys are already in full on spring.

Just wow!

Another stunner!

This mermaid is on a rock on the beach.
The bus driver said that when the tide comes in, she is in the water.

They have some giant trees here in Vancouver.

Great shot of the bridge.

The trees are covered in green moss here the same way they are in Portland.
Another giant tree stump.

They are just so tall too - Amazing.

Just completely in awe of all of the green.

The tree against the wall is pruned in a French fashion I think the driver said.
It looks so cool.
The driver told us that the founder or owner of Lululemon donated these "stages of laughing" statues to the city of Vancouver.
He absolutely hates them and wasn't impressed at all but I thought they were neat.

More flowers in bloom.

They were just every where you looked.

The bus driver took a detour down this street filled with blossoms.

So pretty.

I think when we go to PEI next month to plant some trees, I will have to make a point of planting some trees that have pink blossoms like this!

We stayed on the bus for the whole entire loop, it's a great way to see a city.

We got off on the gas town stop and walked back to the Whisky Jack statue.
I wanted to go to Bao Down to have the Bao Chicka Bao Bao sandwich but they were closed.
I've been thinking about them ever since we came to Vancouver and tried one on a food tour a few years back.

Instead we ate at a restaurant across the street.
I can't even remember the name of it.
I had the hot chicken.
They were good but the heat built up and I couldn't finish them, my mouth was on fire.

I had sweet potato fries too with lemon truffle aioli dip.
The aioli was delicious.

My Honey had the Tuna BLT and it was really good too.

Mom just had a burger with sweet potato fries, she loves those things.

K & A.

We walked up to the famous clock there in gastown.

We waited for it to do what it does.

My Honey was being silly.

Finally it did it's thing.
Blew off some steam and chimed out a tune.
Of course we had to take a picture with it.

Each of us did.

I made My Honey take one too.

My cousin K was wanting some cheesecake so we found a little spot to have some dessert.
They decorated the plates so prettily.
She had the oreo cheesecake.

My Honey had a raspberry lemon.

I had a salted caramel kind.

It was a tiny place but we did find a table to sit at.

Smile guys.

Then we hopped back on the sky train to head back to the hotel.
Mom was flying out tonight so we wanted to get back and let her have a bit of a rest before heading over to the airport.
She was flying out at 11:15pm so we took the hotel shuttle over to the airport.
They weren't allowed to drop us off at the departures section so we had to do a lot of walking to get there.
We made it though, got mom all checked in then headed back to the hotel on the sky train.
We made it though, got mom all checked in then headed back to the hotel on the sky train.
We popped into the casino again since it stops right there and this time, be both won a little.
We made sure to get back to the room by 10:30 so I could check my relatives in for their flight.
They will be flying out tomorrow at 10:30 pm.

My niece posted this picture of her puppy Zeke.
He's ready for the egg hunt!

Miss H posted these cute pictures of Baby F.

Ha ha - this one is so cute.

She was just having a great time for her Easter shoot.

Happy Easter from Baby F!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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