Thursday 23 May 2019

Someone Started Walking Today! (May 13, 2019)

I am so happy to report that I think winter is finally behind us.
Woo hoo!

Weigh in today wasn't so good.
Not the direction I want to be going in but that's the same old story.
I guess it proves if you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always got.
I'm not giving up on myself though, I know I will figure this out.

I had some iceberg lettuce to use up so I chopped it up, along with some of the cucumbers I'm trying to eat up and added some chicken salad for my lunch.
It was really good and refreshing oddly enough.

My son posted a video and she is laughing and so happy.
I got him to send me the video but it's really not good quality for some reason.
So I just took a screen shot of it to share.
She's on the move!

So I had to drop by after work to see for myself.

I did get a bit of a video of her walking.
She's still a week or so shy of 9 months so not bad!

Such a big beautiful smile.

She was still trying to walk but would only get a few steps then fall on her bottom.
I think by the time we get back next week she'll be an old pro though, walking all over the place.

It was time for supper.
Mom has to mush her food up pretty good because she still doesn't have a tooth in her mouth.

OMG, I feel so bad, we butchered her hair - I hope it grows back quickly!

Doesn't really matter though, she is still the cutest baby ever.

I made myself a chicken salad sandwich on a croissant for supper and it was so yummy.
I am a huge croissant fan.

When My Honey got home, he and I packed.
We are leaving right after work tomorrow so we want to be ready to go.
Paddington was in the suitcase at first but when we made him get out, he got into the drawer instead.

He's very interested in what we were doing (taking clothes out).
Silly cat, I'm going to miss them.

My brother posted these pictures of Mr H today.

This one cracked me up so much.

I didn't get a work out in today.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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