Monday 27 May 2019

A Glimpse at my Family Tree (May 24, 2019)

Every morning when we wake up, we open the bedroom door to let the kitties in.
Paddington always comes running to get his cuddles and it's honestly one of the best parts of my day.

I got up early and got a work out in.
I feel like I've really digressed in my fitness - I find just walking on the treadmill hard.
Before 3.0 was the speed I walked for my warm up, now it's the speed I am to get to.
That 's ok though, I know if I just keep at it, I'll get back to where I was and maybe then I can actually start working on knocking off some of those 50 races I want to do.

It feels good just to be working at it regardless.

I'm slowly going down from my horrible wake up call weight the other morning.
No where to go from here but down!

It was a full house at coffee break this morning.
I was glad I had no meeting scheduled and was able to go.

Lunch was a salad with a can of chicken on top.
I buy the canned chicken at Costco and it's not bad.

Even though it's Friday, I worked late - I had a bunch of stuff I wanted to get done.
When I got home I didn't feel like doing much.

I kept thinking I should go hop on the treadmill to amp up my steps and reach that 10,000 mark but I just never did it.
My Honey said they'd brought in Kentucky Fried Chicken so he wouldn't be wanting supper when he got home so I made up another salad and that's what I had for supper.

I got caught up on some PVR'd stuff while I waited for My Honey to get home from work.
It was close to 8 when he got home and we visited a bit but were in bed by 9 pm

Party girl over here I tell ya!

I just found this Facebook page that posts all these old pictures from around PEI, mainly the community that my father is from and I just love seeing them.
I think this is actually my grandfathers brother and his family.
What a great photo.

The couple in the center of this picture are my paternal grandfathers parents, the couple to the right of them are his parents (my great, great grandparents) and the couple to the right would be their son and his wife and their daughter, so my great Uncle & Aunt.

This is from the same picture just closer of my great great grandparents.
My dad does look a little like him.

This is the same couple again with their children.
The one between them is my grandfather.

Here he is from the same picture, just a little closer.
He was a handsome man.
He passed away a year before I was born so I never had the opportunity to meet him.

This is my paternal grandmothers brothers and sisters.
She's not in the picture, I'm not sure why.
The young man to the far right is her brother Adrian who was lost in the war.
The little girl in the middle in the front grew up and joined the convent.
I did meet her a few times. 

This is my great great grandmother again.
The picture is so aged, it's hard to make anything out.

This is the same photo doctored a bit.
I'm not sure who all of the children are but I would guess that my grandfather would be one of them.
These pictures are just so wonderful to look at.

I didn't make every thing turn green today but I did work out so I'm not too bummed.
I'm just going to call it a rest day.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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