Sunday 5 May 2019

Paddington Goes Missing (April 23, 2019)

Our flight home was at 7 am this morning which meant a super early morning for us.
We had scheduled ourselves to take the hotel shuttle over to the airport at 4:50 am so we were up and at 'em by 4;15 am.

This makes our third trip to Vancouver airport in as many days.

We were old pros by now and knew just where to go.

They have some cool native art at the airport.

We were rushing to check in so I just grabbed some quick photos as I passed by.

It ended up being really quiet this morning so we got our luggage dropped off in no time and headed to security.  

This otter wasn't nearly as cute as the ones we saw at the Aquarium yesterday.
I wanted My Honey to stand with it but he declined.

Security was a breeze to, we got right through no problem and were sitting at our gate in plenty of time.
Our flight left right on time and even landed in Edmonton a few minutes early.  

Home Sweet Home - almost!

We stopped at Tim Horton's for coffee and breakfast sandwiches then we went to Costco to get a few groceries.

We made it home just after 2 pm.
I was going to go to work but decided I was too tired.
The day was almost over anyway.

We put everything away then went and had a nap at 2:30.
At 4:30 we awoke to scratching on our window screen.
Professor Snuggles had gotten out again somehow so we jumped out of bed to go let him in.
We were puzzling over how he'd gotten out when we came to the realization that Paddington was missing as well.

We called him and shook treats outside but no sign of him.
My Honey went for a quick drive around to have a look and I walked back and forth up our street.
I went through the house several times hoping that maybe he was just sleeping somewhere and I'd missed him.
No luck.
We were beginning to be frantic.
His cat skills are lacking and he isn't very street smart plus it was super windy outside.
We imagined that he was frightened and hiding and crying somewhere and it was too windy for us to hear him or for him to hear us.

We definitely imagined all the worst scenarios.

I put a post on Facebook hoping maybe someone in town had seen him.
I got lots of comments wishing us luck in finding him but nobody had seen him.

As the hours rolled by, we were becoming very distraught.
We were beginning to think a coyote had gotten him or that he'd wandered so far that he would never make his way back.

We walked up and down all the nearby streets looking under peoples sheds and decks, in the nearby gulley and just anywhere that a cat might hide.
Then we got in the truck and just started driving around town going up and down every street.
After 3 hours, we kind of gave up.
We decided to go back home to see if he'd by chance shown up.
We didn't really know what else to do and we were pretty upset at that point.

Then maybe a minute after we'd walked in the house, My Honey heard a meow and opened the front door and Paddington came walking in like nothing had happened.

We were so happy and relieved to see him.

He didn't look stressed or frightened or anything at all.
Meanwhile, My Honey & I were complete wrecks.
We are so grateful and thankful that he came home.
Little bugger.

Professor Snuggles was completely oblivious to the whole commotion too.

The evening had pretty much been used up with the search for Paddington but I did get my new sign and garland put up.
Not sure if it will stay like this but it's up for now.

Meanwhile Baby F had some visitors.
Her mom's friend from school who also happens to be my co-workers son.
He was visiting from Manitoba so he stopped by to see them.

She has that serious look but I am impressed that she is letting him hold her.

My niece, Miss M, also was there.
They all went to school together for years and graduated together and it's nice to see them keeping the friendship going.

Still Little Miss Serious.

She does look interested in him - so cute.

She's letting Miss M hold her too.
She currently is really stuck to mom & dad and doesn't like other people to hold her so it looks like progress to me.

Once My Honey & I knew that our kitties were both home safe & sound, we wound down a little by watching a movie.

They added some new ones to Netflix recently and we found Snatched on there so we watched it.

Wow - all green.
That's thanks to Paddinton's disappearing act which I never, ever want to happen again.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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