Monday 27 May 2019

Tree Planters (May 19, 2019)

We had no appointments this morning so we actually got to sleep in a little.

There was lots of left over lobster which means lobster for breakfast.

We each had a couple then since we were already at it, we went ahead and shelled the rest.
There was still lots of lobster meat left so I'll cook some up at supper time with butter, onions and cream.
I can't wait either, I just love it cooked that way.

Mom supervised.

My Honey and I were heading back to the property to do more planting.
He'd gotten all the holes dug yesterday but only got a few trees planted.
We also found out that we need a certain kind of plum tree to act as a pollinator for one of the trees we'd picked up so we went in to Summerside to see if we could find one.
We did luck out and found one.

We stopped at Scooters Dairy Bar on our way back out to our land.

They had orange flavored soft serve on sale so you know I had to try it.
It could have way more orange flavor in my opinion.

It turned out to be the nicest day we've had since we've been her which was great.
This is what the view from our house is eventually going to be.

We got busy planting trees and we had about a third of them in when my mom, sister and boys all arrived.

She'd taken the boys and let them each pick out a tree for My Honey since his birthday is coming up next week.
They'd come to help him plant them.

Mr E picked out an apple tree, Cortland, my favorite.
My Honey had to dig a couple more holes but he didn't mind.

There's Mr D's all planted.

Now onto Mr E's tree.

He picked out a yellow apple tree.

My Honey got digging again.

The ground really was soft, no rocks so it took virtually no time at all to dig them.
Lots of muscle and effort though.

The boys helped out.

They each got to put some bone meal down in the hole for their respective trees.

We thought we'd let them shovel the dirt in the hole too but the shovel was hard for them to manage so they just helped by holding the trees straight up.

It was so generous of my sister to do that for us and now these trees will be something the boys can look back on and feel proud that they had a hand in putting them there.

Mom supervising again.

Mr E's tree all planted.

Great job boys.

Right after this, my Aunt A and Uncle A dropped by the property to visit.
I drove the truck from one spot to another and ended up getting it stuck.
The ground was very soft and wet and I felt so bad.
Thankfully My Honey had picked up a couple of bags of mulch for the trees and we ended up having to put it under the truck tires and push the truck out.

My Honey had wanted to stay and do some clean up but that put a damper on things so we just headed back to my Auntie C's.

Where we had more oysters.

My Honey really wanted to work on his shucking skills.

Which worked out well for me, all kinds of oysters for me to eat, but I didn't have to work to get them out.

They had cooked a feast for us.
BBQ chicken, hot dogs, hamburgers, sausages and corn.
I also cooked up the mussels, clams and lobster in cream sauce.
It was all delicious.

I met cousin T's step daughter (and son who is in the next picture) for the first time, she seemed like a sweet girl.

The twins came back for a visit along with their grandpa too, BD.
It's been awhile since I saw him as he worked the whole weekend when I was out in October.
His wife, PD, was away in Ottawa this weekend with their son at a band concert so now this time I didn't get to see her.
I was bummed but there is always next time.

My cousin baked what I thought was another cake for BD..

but as we were all singing, they all sang out My Honey's name instead and she dropped it off to him.

I think Mr E was as surprised as I was.
She had told me she was baking another cake for BD earlier today but I didn't clue in at all.

Family is the best.

Get those wind pipes working.

The boys assisted.

My Honey cut the cake.

Who doesn't love cake and ice cream?

We just all sat and visited after supper.

The babies were fussing here and there but my cousin TG with the magic touch took care of that.
We played a game of Golf (it's a card game) before everyone headed home.

My Aunt was telling me about a Facebook page that is dedicated to the local community which my family is a big part of.
So I searched it out and asked to join (it's a private group).
I got looking at all the old pictures that get posted on it and they were wonderful.

This newpaper clipping was on there and the lady to the far right is my meme (grandmother).
She passed away when I was only 12, I sure wish I'd had more time with her.
I'll have to tell my dad about this page too, I think he would really enjoy it.

Still no fitbit stats.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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