Friday 1 December 2023

Are We Becoming the Crazy Cat People? (Nov.22, 2023)

When I got to the office this morning I saw a cat run from the front door to one of the trees near the office doors.

I thought it was odd to see a cat there, we are a bit out of town so I was kind of curious to see if it would still be there when I got to the door.

I park at the furthest parking spot away from the front doors so it's a bit of a jaunt.

I opened my car door and lo and behold, the cat was right there.

It followed me right into the office and I saw that it was just a young kitty, likely 6 months or under.

I have no idea where it came from but I didn't want to throw it back outside so I brought it into my office and took a picture to put up on Facebook to see if maybe someone was missing a pet.

The kitty was super affectionate and seemed to well taken care of so I figured that there was a good chance there was an owner near by.

The kitty stayed in my office with me then when Shennelle came to work, the cat spent some time with here.
If we walked anywhere, the kitty would be right at our feet following us around.
When I went home at lunch, kitty stayed in Shennelle's office with her.

I priced these signs that I made and dropped them off at the store on my way home.

It's always a guessing game what to price things at, then I always forget so since I plan on making a few of these, I want to remember what I charged so I can charge the same next time.

I had to run 5k today, that's always what I have on the schedule for Wednesday's.
I hopped on the treadmill and Freya wanted to get on with me.
I wouldn't let her on so because I was running and I didn't want her to get hurt so she pulled the emergency stop on the treadmill on me, little bugger.
I let her walk with me for a minute then got back to it so though you can't see it here, I did run 5k.

Happy as always to get my workout done.

After lunch, Jason and Freya came back to the office with me to meet kitty.

Someone looks pretty comfy.

We figured out that kitty was a she and at the end of the day, nobody had claimed her so I took her home with me to see how things would go with the other cats.

They had a bit of a stand-off - Professor Snuggles and Paddington were really just checking her out, she was hissing and growling at them.

Pretty soon Snuggy got bored and left but Paddington kept an eye on her much longer.
There were no scuffles though so that was good.

I think someone is in love already.

She was making herself very comfortable.

I got another star finished up.

I got one of my deer made - I love how it turned out.

Jason cut me a tree out and I like how it turned out.

A bit skinny though, if he makes me more, I'm going to get him to make them a bit wider.
I think I'm going to keep this one for myself.

Got another deer started.

Then I watched some tv and little miss kitty found a comfy spot.

Awww, what a little sweetie she is.
I think we just got ourselves a new cat.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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