Thursday 28 December 2023

Back to Alberta We Go (Dec.12, 2023)

 So it's back home we go today.

Our flight was only leaving at noon so we didn't have to get up super early and rush to the airport which was nice.

We left the room around 9, dropped off the car then made our way to the airport.

Once we were all checked in, we found a spot to have some breakfast.

Just waiting for our food to arrive.

My gray is coming in - I really need to get a color.

My Honey.

We had a leisurely breakfast.
I had a sandwich and fries.

Jason had a breakfast sandwich and some of my fries.
We headed to to the washroom and we thought we had tons of time so we weren't in any rush but while washing my hands, I heard them announcing that it was the last boarding call for a flight to Edmonton.

So I went out right away and found Jason, he'd heard the same thing so we headed right over to our gate and sure enough, they were fully boarded and waiting for us.
They normally don't start loading the plane until 20 min before the flight and it was only 11:30 so we were kind of surprised but thankfully we made it.

It was a nice smooth flight home which made me happy.

We went and picked up our car from LA Nissan, they'd put our winter tires on while we were away.
Then we stopped and got a few groceries before heading home.

We are having our work Christmas gift exchange/potluck lunch tomorrow so I needed to pick up ingredients to make something.
I decided on a surprise dip and Jason helped me make it when we got hom.

In other news, Freya had a dentist appointment today.
She needed to get a filling.
Looks like she was in good spirits about it all so that's good.

They also did a thing, dyed her hair green underneath.

She loves it!

Miss Eden.
Such a sweetie.

Mel took the kids to the city to do some Christmas shopping and they went looking at Christmas lights too.

Looks like they had fun.

I think I'm going to give this workout a try.

I didn't get my 13,000 steps in today.
After we got home from the city and I got the surprise dip made, I just didn't feel like it.
That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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