Friday 29 December 2023

City Trip Looking for Leftover Boxing Day Deals (Dec.27, 2023)

 I had a bit of a sleep in then I got up and watched a couple episodes of The Crown while I had my coffee.

I wanted to work on my blog because I'm way behind but I just couldn't make myself do it.

I did do a bit of cleaning and then I worked on some craft projects.

I had these all started so I wanted to get them completed.

I love how they all turned out.

I especially like this ornament.
This is the second one I made, I'm keeping the first for myself.

I made two of these trees.
I want to give one to my friend Bonnie for Christmas and she had pinks in her Christmas colors which I didn't have so I was trying to keep them more neutral so they would match ok.

This one has a bit of red but I think it's the one I'm going to give her.

I wish I had picked up more of these wooden cut outs, making them is so fun.
Jason can make me some of the triangular trees at least if I can't find anymore - It's a pretty simple shape.

I'm also getting low on Fabri-Tac glue and I thought about maybe making a trip to the city to get a few things tomorrow or Friday but then I thought why not go today?

The weather was gorgeous out and it was around noon by this point but I figured I'd not be long in the city anyway so I just jumped in the car and headed out.

The car was super dirty so I did stop in Barrhead for a car wash.
Everyone else had the same idea so I did have a bit of a wait.
I love when all the different colors get sprayed onto the car.

I didn't find much for deals in the city, the Christmas stuff was really picked over and unfortunately there were no wooden cutouts left at the Dollar Tree.

I did get a few things though then headed back home around 6 pm.

Jason was already home from work when I got to the house, it was right at 8 pm.
He helped me bring in what I bought which wasn't much - I did get myself a keuring machine though, looking forward to trying that out in the morning.

There is a bit of a situation going on at Jason's work so he isn't sure of how stable his job there is which had me kind of nervous but he doesn't seem stressed over it so I'm not going to stress either.

He said if he has to get another job he will and there are jobs around.
Change can be scary but it can also be good so whatever happens happens and we'll just deal with it whatever it is.

Freya went to Barrhead for the night.
Haylee's Auntie and her kiddos are visiting from Regina and Freya just loves hanging out with her cousins so I'm glad she got to go as much as I miss her being around.

Jason and I had a pretty quiet evening which is always nice.
Christmas break is always so chill and I love it.
We've been having amazing weather too.

My eating has been off the rails, chocolate, chips and whatever else I can put in my mouth I have been.
My 13,000 steps per day has gone out the window too unfortunately.
No reason why it should though, tomorrow, I'm going to do some kind of activity.

I don't want to be in the same boat as last year at this time and have an extra 10 pounds to try to get off on top of the pounds I'm already trying to lose.
I was so close to Onederland just earlier in the month - it's slipping further and further away.

I know I'll get back on track in the New Year but I don't want to get too off track before.

I'll just do my best and then see what happens I guess.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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