Saturday 2 December 2023

Celebrating Rob's 50th (Nov.29, 2023)

 So I had everyone over after work today for Rob's birthday.

I just cooked up a bunch of frozen pizza's and it was good.

Haylee and Eden.

Alivia, Haylee, Eden and Zepplyn.

Mom, Morgan and Rob.

Adrien and Kody.

We were missing a few folks, Kalem and Jason were both working and Hunter was at swimming lessons.

Freya had dance right before they came over so she was still in her dance outfit.

Mom started this thing back when I turned 30 where she bought me 30 gifts so now we kind of do that on the big birthdays.
So we had 50 presents for Rob to open, the girls both helped him.

I video called Jen and the boys too so they could feel included and that was nice.
I am going to figure out a way to do that on my tv for Christmas so they'll be on the big screen and we can all see them.

After presents we had cake and I must say that the Tuxedo cake was a big hit.
There was only one small slice left for Jason.
I think I'll have to buy that again.

Since there was school tomorrow, everyone went home fairly early which was ok because I had to get a 5k run in.

Of course I did it on my trusty treadmill.

Workout complete = Happy April.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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