Thursday 28 December 2023

Little Walk by our Airbnb in Tucson then Hit the Road Back to Phoenix (Dec.11, 2023)

We were up early packing up all of our stuff because unfortunately we have to leave our gorgeous little casita today.
We are heading back to Phoenix today and then we fly out tomorrow and back home we go.

The airbnb owner was cleaning the pool when we were packing our bags out to the car so we chatted to him for a bit.

He was super nice, we told him how much we loved the place and we'd love to come back again, especially at a time when we'd be able to use the pool and he gave us his card and told us to call him next time and book through him directly.

So we did and we definitely will.

We packed up the car then just left it there so we could go walk around the subdivision area where the airbnb was.

This was the main house of the airbnb we stayed at, the place we stayed at was in the back.

The landscaping is so different from what we have at home, of course this is the desert and it is beautiful.

This tree had some kind of blossoms or maybe fruit growing from it.
Maybe cactus pears?

It looks all prickly and baren but I love it.

There is some green around too which I love.

This is all at the airbnb we were staying at.

The lady really did a wonderful job with her landscaping.

So many different kinds of cactus.

This was a very strange and weird looking kind of cactus - I don't think I've ever seen anything like it before.

This is still the yard of the airbnb that we were staying at.

This is the entrance - no gate but pillars on either side of the driveway with lanterns on the top.

A better view of that.

It's another gorgeous sunny day here in Tucson.

This one looks like a giant pickle.

I wonder how much work taking care of landscaping like this is?
Do you need to water it, weed it?
I'm so curious.

When I think of a cactus, this is what I envision - this is the kind you'd see in Cowboy movies and I think they look so cool.

Same one but just from a different angle.

So of course I took lots of pictures of them.

The mountains are all around in the background and that adds to the beauty of the scenery here.

Another strange looking cactus plant.

There were lots of them everywhere.

Look at all the trails in the sky from the planes.
So much green for a desert landscape and it makes me happy.

They still decorate for Christmas.

Christmas trees.

Ornaments in the trees.

Lots of people had decorations out in their yards and these little cactus in the front are darling.

I don't know what kind of plant this is but I like how the trunks are just as green as the leaves.

There were lots of them around and more ornaments in them too.

The decorations they had on these spiky plants looked good.

More Christmas decor.

I think this is a giant aloe vera plant - seriously, I think it was taller than me.

Seeing a citrus tree is an unusual sight for us.

More of the "cowboy" cactuses.

More Christmas decorations on a plant.

These little santa hats looks so adorable all over these cactus.

There were some very big, beautiful homes in the area.
I think it was more of an affluent area that we were staying in.

A close up, check out that cactus plant next to the entrance - it's humongous.

We finally left our airbnb and found a breakfast spot on google that had good reviews, First Watch.

We had the option of sitting outside in the patio so of course we did.
I had this juice drink - I can't remember what it was called but I do remember that it was delicious.

I had a pancake with bacon and an egg.

Jason had their breakfast sandwich.

I also ordered the candied bacon- soooo good.

We also got some hush puppy type donut things.
The food was really good and they had lots of interesting options on the menu.
I'd for sure go back and try it again.

I wanted to stop back at Joann's to pick up this white wire wreath with stars on it that I'd seen at the store in Phoenix.
I wasn't sure if they'd have one or if the sale would still be on, they did and the sale had gone from 50% off Christmas stuff to 75% off so that was awesome.

Their Christmas fabric was all on sale as well and they had so much beautiful stuff that I could not resist and I ended up buying a bunch more fabric.

It's so much cheaper than what we pay for it at home and they have way more options.
I'll for sure be making another trip next year just to get Christmas craft supplies.

There was a Hobby Lobby near by so we checked that out too - it's kind of like torture because they have so much stuff that I want to get but I know I don't have room for it.

I did decide to buy another suitcase though - I know I won't be fitting all I have in the one suitcase I brought with me so we stopped at a Winners and got one.
Jason picked one out that he liked - he's close to needing a new one and it's bigger than the one he has so it will come in handy after the trip.

Before we headed out of town, we stopped at Freddy's for concretes again and I noticed this Freddy's Original Patty Melt on the menu and I wanted to try it so I ordered one.
I liked it just ok.

We hit the road for Phoenix after that.
It's about a 1 hour, 40 minute drive but the there was a lot of traffic and it was backed up in some sections so it took us closer to 2 hours to get there.

The traffic on the freeway in Phoenix is just crazy, everyone is just flying and the lanes feel like they are so close together.
It's a bit scary to drive on but we did it.

Jason had booked a room at a hotel near the airport so we went there and checked in then worked on packing our bags.

Once we got that all done, we decided to go check out a casino we'd passed on our way back into the city.
Gila River Casino

Neither of us had much luck.
I threw in 40 bucks and took 20 out.
So down 20 overall which wasn't bad.

We decided to get a bite to eat at the restaurant there in the casino before we left.
Ling & Louie's.

The waitress highly recommended the soup, Tom Kha Gai.
It had green curry-coconut broth, chicken, tomatoes, mushrooms, cilantro (which I asked then to skip) and thai basil.
So I gave it a try and it was really good.

We also had the calamari and it was really good too - you know it's good calamari when you get the tentacles and not just the round rings.

Then I had this dish, General Ling's chicken.

It had chicken, green onions, red bell peppers, carrots, thai basil and sweet and spicy soy - it was a bit on the hot side and it kind of built up over time so while it was really good, I couldn't finish it.

Jason had Ling's Seafood Hot Pot which was:

Jumbo Shrimp, Salmon, Scallops and Cilantro, Simmered in Green Curry-Coconut Broth
He said it was good but very onenote.

On the way back to the hotel on the highway we had a bit of a scary experience.
This police car came flying onto the highway from an exit and was zigzagging across all the 4 or 5 lanes of traffic.
I thought at first that it was going to slam right into the median wall and I had no idea what was going on.

We thought maybe someone had stolen a police car.
I'm not sure exactly what the situation was or what was going on but apparently this is a tactic police use to slow traffic down on the highway when necessary.
It worked, I was pretty much stopped because I had no idea what was going on and I was nervous the car was going to ram me or something.

Jason got some video of it, it was pretty crazy.

Then it was back to the hotel room.
I think it was the biggest room we'd ever stayed it but it had a lot of wasted space.
The tv was so far away from the bed it was hard to see.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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