Saturday 2 December 2023

Freya and Papa Day at the Mall (Nov.27, 2023)

I was up early and showered and headed out to my conference.

When Jason and Freya got up, they headed out to the mall.
Jason kept me updated on their activities throughout the day.
He sent me pictures of these 50 items.
He's turning 50 next year so I'm wondering if it was a hint.
I have to go get it for him I guess.

Need to get him this as well.

He does look pretty darn good.

She wanted ramen and he was going to take her out for some but could only find just a noodle place in the mall.

They went to it but she wasn't impressed. 

Doing some shopping at Galaxy Land.

The spent most of the day in there going on the rides.

He said he bought her cotton candy three times and she ate all of it.

She was trying out all of the rides.

The mini roller coaster was her favorite and she went on it several times.

It's cute how happy she is about it.

She tried this ride which is kind of like a ferris wheel.

It was right around this time that I finished up at the conference so I walked down and met them at Galaxy Land which was just about to close.

I got to be there to see her enjoy her last ride of the day.

I can't tell if she's having fun or not.

We headed back at to the room and Jason got ready to go out for a run.
I thought my conference might only be one day because it has been for the last 2 years so Jason was planning on going in the morning, he wants to get one last 30 km run in before we head to Arizona.

Turns out we are on for a half day tomorrow so Jason is going to get his run out of the way tonight.
He headed out and there was a social for the conference that Freya and I stopped in to briefly then we just went out to walk the mall.

Really I just needed some steps so I rented one of the kiddie carts they have and we walked down to the end of the mall.

I did get her an oversized Grinch hoodie and she had to put it on immediately.

She got lots of comments on it, everyone loved it.

At the other end of the mall she wanted to go on this trampoline so I let her.

I paid for her to go on for 10 minutes which I think was plenty, she kind of seemed to be getting bored of it by the end.

Mini trampoline at West Edmonton Mall.

I kept checking on Jason's progress on Google maps, he made it down to the river valley but he didn't seem to be coming back toward the mall.

I called him to see how it was going and he said he'd had a pretty bad wipe out so that kind of slowed him down a bit.
(When he got back to the room later I saw that both of his knees, his upper back/shoulder and his hands were all scratched up and bleeding so it was a pretty good wipe out for sure).

Anyway, he said that he figured he'd finish up around 10 and if we could pick him up that would be great.
So we planned to meet near the Walter Dale bridge.
I decided to order a couple of pizzas and Freya and I picked them up and took them down there.

I figured we'd be sitting in the car for a half hour or so waiting for him but it was pretty much 10 by the time we picked up the pizza and made our way down there.

Enjoying some pizza.

It was such a nice evening that Jason was running with just a t-shirt on.

Finished a 30k run - he's a beast.

Being silly with Freya.

She was being so sweet with Jason, feeding him pizza and just being really super sweet to him.

Night time pizza party by the Walter Dale bridge.

After we ate, we headed back to the room and we had a pretty late night.
I'm sure going to pay for it in the morning.
But I totally forgot to get the rest of my steps in and I was so close to my goal.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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