Friday 29 December 2023

Early Christmas Present (Dec.19, 2023)

I brought home one of the turkeys I have been keeping at the office (because our freezer at home had no room) and Jason is going to cook it up for me for my meat pies. 

I also cook up pork for it - I stopped at Super A to get a pork roast but they didn't have one so I got these pork buttons instead.
I'm not sure what cut it is so I texted Jason, he didn't know either but he figured it would work out just fine so I got two packs of them and I'm just going to go ahead and give them a try.

I wanted to make sure that I got my 13,00 steps today so when I got home from work, I hopped on the treadmill.
I didn't run, just walked and it took me close to an hour but I did it.

Even if I was only walking, it still feels good to have a workout in.

Freya wanted to come spend the night and Jason is off tomorrow so I told Kody to bring her on over.

She was tuckered.
She just wanted to snuggle with me on the couch and she fell asleep almost immediately and she had quite the nap.

When she woke up, she was raring to go!
A gift I ordered for her came in today and I took it down to mom (she wraps everything for me) and Freya found it.
It was an advent calendar so she wanted to open it and I let her.
I convinced her to wait until Jason got home at least.

There was a Stitch character for each day- they were mainly all Stitches, and she loved them so it was worth the 20 bucks or whatever it cost.
She had them all lined up in a row on the couch.

Haylee did a little photo shoot with Eden and she posted the pictures today and I think they turned out really well.
She did a great job.

Look at that smile.

Aww - so sweet.

Another of her cute little grin.

She looks a little grumpy in this one but that is super cute too.

Cutest little elf I've ever seen.

Awww, so sweet - I like the glow of the Christmas tree in the background.

She looks so teeny.
I love them.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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