Wednesday 6 December 2023

Our Visitors had a Successful Trip and are Headed Back Home (Dec.3, 2023)

Santana had to be back at the Kaye Clinic for her second and last day of clinical today so Joan and I dropped her off at 8.
We went back to our rooms and just kind of hung out for a bit then we went to Farrow and got roast beef sandwiches and they were sooooo good.

Then we checked out of the hotel and went shopping.
Took Mom to Costco - she was looking for some light up trees they had so we went to a couple stores looking for them but no luck.

We went to a few other stores too and after a couple hours of shopping, we were feeling kind of shopped out.
So we decided to just go hang out somewhere close to where Santana was so we'd be nearby when she called to be picked up.
We ended going to Yelo'd.

I told Joanie about the Ube ice cream they had with the chocolate rice pudding and cocoa rice krispies and she was game to try it.
We both had one and they were delicious.

Mom and Joan.

Me, Mom and Joanie.

Santana called just as we were walking back to the car to say she was done.
She did really well and passed so she was happy about that.

It was around 3 and even though they don't fly out until midnight tonight, I took them to the airport to drop them off as Mom and I still had to head back home which was another 3 hour drive for us.

I was so glad I got to spend a few days with Santana and Joanie - I miss my extended family and I don't get out to PEI nearly as much as I would like so it was really nice.

Mom and I made a couple of stops of course along the way so it was close to 8 by the time we got home and I was tuckered.

It snowed for the final 35k of the ride too which sucked but we made it home safe and sound.
I was happy to see Jason, I missed him.

Tested out a new hair do today - I kind of dig it.

Neale mentioned this idea to me at our WCSS conference of starting a community Christmas tree in town and I thought it was a great idea.
You just pick a random tree in town and everyone adds a decoration to it.
I told him if he started one then I would add to it.
So looks like he did just that.

In fact he picked out three.
So now I have to be true to my word and add a decoration.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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