Friday 29 December 2023

Donair and Pizza Finger Day - Family Christmas Tradition (Dec.16, 2023)

 I planned on having everyone come over today to make donair fingers and pizza fingers so the first thing I did when I got up was to get the donair meat cooking.

There are tons of recipes but this is the one I tend to use.
It turns out really well.

Jason makes it for the guys at work often and he uses the same recipe as well.
I got it made and into the oven then I also shredded up all the mozza cheese I'm going to need for them.

While it was cooking, I went down and hopped on the treadmill to get a run in.
I ran for 30 minutes (the rest of the time is the warm up and cool down).

Just as I was finishing up I got a little visiter.

While I was working on slicing up the donair meat, she made a snack for me and she set it up so beautifully.

Kody, Haylee and Eden were all there too, they came to help with the donair fingers.

Freya just loves holding her baby sister.

She's smitten as are the rest of us!

Freya and Haylee helped make the donair fingers.
They put them together then I cooked them.

I bought an electric frying pan just to do this and it worked so well, far better than doing it on the stove, it was well worth the purchase.
I also tried a few in the air fryer and they turned out pretty good but I could only cook 3 at a time so not very efficient.

Kody took care of Eden while we worked.

Mom supervised!

Adrien and Rob both showed up after they got home from work.

Rob helped me to finish up the rest of the pizza fingers because Haylee had to leave.
She and Morgan were going to a Christmas party in town.

We made a few dozen of each - donair fingers and pizza fingers.

Freya made her own version, instead of folding, she just put two whole egg wrappers together.
It actually turned out - I like that she thinks out of the box and likes to try stuff.

After we finished the cooking, I got some cuddle time in with Eden.

She is so precious.

I could just stare at her for hours.

Kitty is still fitting in very nicely.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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