Friday 29 December 2023

Weigh In Day (Dec.18, 2023)

It's Monday and that means weigh in day.

I've not been eating the best but it's not been too awful either. 

I was 208.4lb 

That's 6.6 lbs up since last weigh in but that was before vacation so not terrible.

I haven't really gotten Jason anything for Christmas yet so I was trying to find concert tickets to a group or singer that he might like.
He likes Gregory Alan Isakov so I looked up his tour, a lot of his dates are sold out and Jason works every second week so I was trying to find a date at a place that we could possibly fly to and get the whole trip as the gift.
I couldn't really find anything that worked yet but I'm going to keep on looking.

When I went home for lunch I hopped on the treadmill and got a 30 minute run in.

Always feels good to get a workout done!

After work, I finished up a couple of projects.
I like these stars, I think I need to start stuffing them fuller so that they stand up better on their own.

This I just made on a wood tree cut out that I got from Dollar Tree and I love how it looks.
I want to make a bunch of these.
I also finished up all of the gingerbread men for all the kids.
I forgot to take pictures but I stamped their names on one of the feet then put the year on the other foot.
I like how they all turned out - hopefully the kids will like them.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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