Friday 29 December 2023

Christmas Traditions Continue, Movies, Ornaments and New Ones Begin- Community Christmas Tree (Dec.17, 2023)

Freya and Hunter both ended up spending the night last night.

They wanted to sleep in the living room in a fort so I built one for them.
Hunter fell asleep pretty quickly so Freya did end up coming and getting in with us.

They loved the fort though, they were hanging out under it in the morning.
Nanny took it apart to get by to the love seat but they had me put it back together.

I normally make each of the kids an ornament each year and this year I decided to make them each a gingerbread man.
I cut them all out last night then I glued them together this morning and now Freya is helping me paint them with the coffee/cinnamon/vanilla grunge mixture.

She did a good job.
The kids just love getting involved and helping me out with the craft stuff and this was a good job for her.

The town was doing some work on Mel's street today and had to turn off the power for a few hours so Alivia came to hang out for a bit.

I convinced them to watch a Christmas movie with me - the only one I could get them to agree on was The Grinch so that was what we watched, the cartoon version.

I picked up three bell ornaments for the community Christmas trees so I took the kids down there to hang them up and it worked out perfect, they each had one to hang.
Freya hanging hers.

Hunter hanging his.

And Alivia hanging hers.

I can't get over the weather we have been having.
I've never had a Christmas here without snow and with such nice weather.
Last year at Christmas time the snow and cold was just brutal.
I love it but we really do need snow - it really helps to deter the forest fires when that season rolls around.

The girls posted some pictures from the party last night.
They look so nice.
Haylee, Sara and Morgan.

Morgan and Haylee.

Both such beautiful girls.

They had a photo booth with lots of props and the girls took advantage of that.

Being silly.

Sara and Russell joining in on the fun.

Nadine dropped by for a visit in the afternoon.
She was at the party last night too - there were a couple little fights but overall sounds like it was a huge success.

Adrien sent me a copy of Alivia's Christmas list which I so appreciate.
I have to go shopping one more time so I'll pick up a few things that I know that she wants.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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