Friday 29 December 2023

Office Christmas Gift Exchange (Dec.13, 2023)

Today wasn't an official weigh in day but I did want to weigh in to see where I was after our trip.

I was 211.2.

Kind of higher than what I would have liked to see but I'll get back on track right away.

Back at the office the gifts were piling up for the gift exchange. 

I had another busy morning trying to get things entered but that just made the morning fly right by and before you know it, it was time for our get together.

Scott, James and Dustin.

Bonnie and Shennelle.

Tom, Dan and Calvin.

Jamie, Blair and John.

Tim and the Secure guys lining up to get some food.

We had quite the spread.
We got a turkey with mashed potatoes, gravy and dressing from Super A then we each brought sides or desserts to go along with it.

I love that Dan used a pinata as a box for his gift.

The gift exchange was fun, as usual, the alcohol gifts were the favorites that were stolen most often.
I got an electric blanket which was awesome because I planned on getting Jason one for Christmas so I'll just give it to him.

Also, Jamie got a set of light up Christmas trees, mom's been looking for them so I offered to buy them off of him but he just gave them to me.
I'm going to pick him up a bottle of Bailey's though and give it to him for them anyway.

I forgot to take a picture of myself at the lunch so I got Tom to take a few of us girls in front of the tree.

He got us to do a few poses.
I feel lucky to get to work with people that I really genuinely like!

Then after work, I had another get together to go to.
We had an FCSS meeting booked but we decided to start early and meet at the restaurant and have a meal together for Christmas.
FCSS got our meal and tonight was our last FCSS meeting.
We are folding the board and we are starting another group in the New Year called Mission Possible so we can raise funds for FCSS, so we'll still be affiliated but just in a different capacity.

When I got home, I unpacked my luggage and called it a night.

I did not reach 13,000 again.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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