Friday 29 December 2023

Change of Plans (Dec.22, 2023)

I was supposed to be having my friends over tonight for our annual get together and gift exchange so when I got up, I immediately started cleaning.

I cleaned both of the bathrooms, mopped and vacuumed.

I got everything tidied, got a bunch of candles lit and new wax melts put into all of my scentsy burners then I got busy in the kitchen.

I made a surprise dip and was about to start slicing meat and cheese when Bonnie called to say that she just found out she had Covid so she won't be able to make it tonight.

Since that really only left Nadine and Karl we decided to cancel and do it another time.

Freya had gotten up and while I was busy cleaning, she was chilling on the couch with kitty.

I love how the kitty just stays there with her.

Since the party got cancelled for tonight, I switched gears and decided to go ahead and make meat pies.
It took me a bit to go through all the meat and take out all of the bones but I got 'er done.

I ended up making 10 pies, it took me a few hours but I'm just happy that they are done.

Jason had planned on making pizza tonight and he had already made the dough so he went ahead and made those for us for supper.

He made a few different kinds but the one he made with olives was my favorite.

Haylee was out with some friends so Kody brought Eden by after supper for a visit and Freya just loves holding her so she asked to immediately.

Sniffing that wonderful baby smell.

She really wants to be able to pick her up and walk around with her but she is still a little bit too young for that.


She sat with Eden on her for about a good hour - so sweet.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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