Monday 11 December 2023

Gus's Fried Chicken, Tucson and Blue Willow Restaurant (Dec.8, 2023)

We had to be checked out of our airbnb by 10 am this morning so we decided to get that out of the way first.

We packed everything into our vehicle then headed out for a run.

We did 5k again and ran kind of the same route as yesterday except this time we did some zig zagging on the residential streets but on the opposite side of 5th Ave than what we did yesterday.
Jason just ran with me again which was a nice easy run for him but I did enjoy the company.

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits.

We saw some interesting Christmas decorations along the way, like this one.

Zoom in of what was on the roof.

There were ornaments hanging from the trees.

A big old snowman, he looks a little out of place here.

More ornaments in trees.

I love all the different kinds of cactus here.

They just look so cool.

A wreath in the center of this sculptural piece in a yard.

Santa hat on a cactus.

Not sure what this is but we liked it.

After our run, I went to a chick-fil-a right by where we parked the car and changed out of my workout clothes.
I bought some chicken nuggets just because I don't like to use the restrooms in a business unless I buy something and they were delicious.

We are heading to Tucson today but decided to get something to eat before we hit the road so we walked to a place nearby that we wanted to try.

Gus's Fried Chicken.



We got the fried green tomatoes for an appetizer.
(excuse the lighting, it was very dark in the restaurant)

I got the chicken tender plate with beans and coleslaw.
They were good but not knock your socks off good.

We got there just in time because just as we were ordering, a whole busload of students and teachers came filing into the restaurant and they filled the place right up.

There wasn't an empty seat left in the place.

We walked back to the car then hit the road for Tucson.
It's about a 2 hour drive from Phoenix.
We stopped along the way for coffees, I got an iced oatmilk gingerbread chai drink and it was amazingly delicious.
We also saw some outlet stores on the way so we stopped in there and looked around, mostly just at the Nike store but we didn't get anything.

When we got to Tucson, we had a bit of trouble finding our airbnb.
We drove back and forth about 4 times on this main highway but the gps just kept taking us to the same place which was not the rental.

I finally had to go into a spa right by where the gps took us to see if the lady could help us with directions.
She looked on google and figured it out, the place was kind of in behind where we were but we had to go out to the main highway then take another road in to get there.

We followed her instructions and got there no problem at all.

The rental was like a guest house in behind the hosts house and we both immediately fell in love with the place.
It had it's own private pool - too dark for a picture tonight but I'll take one tomorrow.
It had this nice spot that would be perfect for morning coffee.

This was what it looked like as soon as you walked in.
The living room, two bedrooms off to the right then the kitchen and bathroom to the left.

A big old giant movie screen which was awesome.

There's the kitchen.

The bathroom.

The shower in the bathroom and another door that led right out to the pool area.

The kitchen.

Just to the right of the main entrance.

One of the bedrooms.

The second bedroom.
They were similar and we just choose this one to sleep in.
Once we got our luggage in, we looked for a spot to go get some supper.

I found a place on google called Blue Willow.

It's a house converted to a restaurant and I guess it's been here forever.

It had a gift shop in it as well.

The dining area was kind of in this covered porch area.

I had the house salad to start.
It was really good.

Then I had the chicken pot pie.

Jason had a burger and tater tots.

We were both stuffed so we didn't have dessert there but we did take a slice of their hummingbird cake to go.

Then we headed back to the room and just had a nice relaxing, early night.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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