Friday 1 December 2023

Obsessed with Crafting and Castrol Raceway Light Display Finally (Nov.25, 2023)

Haylee posted some pictures from their night last night.

All dolled up and ready to go to the party.

My boy and his lady.

I woke up super early and had crafting on the brain so I just got up and got crafting.
I got another reindeer completed.
These cutting board reindeer are super cute.

Got another sign finished as well.

Jason wanted to get a run in before we headed to the city, it was about 10:30 before we headed in.
We made a few stops then met Crystal and Zepplyn at the hotel in Sherwood Park.

We checked in then we went for something to eat.

We'd been wanting to try out this Mexican place in Sherwood Park and so that's where we went.
The Other Place by La Patrona.

Freya was being silly - hiding from the pictures.



I had fish tacos.
The food was just ok and they were very slow - I don't think we'll be back.

We left there and did a little bit of shopping then headed out to the Castrol Raceway to see the light display out there that I've been wanting to check out for years now.

I was driving so I didn't take any pictures so I've borrowed some of the pictures that Crystal took.

There were just all different themed areas.


Santa soaking up the sun.

Joyeux Noel.


Even Barbie.

There were light tunnels that you could drive through and moving lights that made it look like the characters were in motion.
It was neat.

We headed back to the hotel after that and I realized I still needed to get a lot of steps in so I walked around the hotel from floor to floor then ended up getting on the treadmill in the gym.

Freya and Zepplyn were playing but I don't think Freya was feeling all that great so we ended up having an early night with her.

My cousin Krista posted this super cute picture of her son - what a great idea - will have to do this with Eden.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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