Saturday 2 December 2023

Staying on Track Even When I'm Tired (Nov.28, 2023)

My conference went for half the morning and it did go right until 11:30.

When it finished I met Jason and Freya down at Homesense because there was a cute little outfit that I wanted to pick up for Eden. 

Speaking of Eden - Haylee posted a cute picture of her today - looks like she's smiling.

We made a couple quick stops in the city before heading home.
We took Freya straight home and I think she was happy to see her mom and dad and Eden.

Back at the house we unpacked the car and put everything away.
It wasn't very late but I was feeling tired and ready for bed - travelling does that to a person.

Today is my brother Rob's 50th birthday and I had planned on having everyone over for dinner tonight.
Jason wisely suggested we move it to tomorrow night and I'm so glad I did, I would have been so rushed.
I did pick up frozen pizza's and a tuxedo cake though and we'll have that for supper tomorrow night since I just won't have the time to make anything else.

I had a 40 minute run on the schedule for today and even though it was the very last thing in the world I wanted to do tonight, I made myself go down and do it on the treadmill.
Jason headed outside for a run at the same time.

I managed to get 'er done - 40 minutes of running easy.

I was happy to be done and proud of myself for doing it.

Jason got back from his run around the same time, we had a quiet evening watching some tv then we had an early night.
It's back to work tomorrow for both of us.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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