Friday 29 December 2023

Christmas Eve Family Time (Dec.24, 2023)

It's Christmas Eve.

Freya spent the night last night so when we got up this morning, she and I just snuggled on the couch and I tried to get her to watch a Christmas movie but she just wanted to watch Roma and Diana.

Jason went out for a 10k run - I wish I was as dedicated as he is!

Kody and Haylee were heading to her grandparents in Barrhead this evening so they picked Freya up early and they were off.

I spent the day finishing up the little bit of wrapping that I needed to do - just mom's gifts mostly as she wraps everything else for me which I appreciate immensely!

Then I just worked on cleaning my craft room up a little and I also had a nice long hot bath.

It was so relaxing.

It was a pretty chill day.

I saw this recipe online and it sounds delicious.
I would like to try making it.

Around 5 pm. Rob, Adrien, Hunter and Alivia all showed up.

Mel was working until 9 so Adrien had the kiddos.




We just hung out together, watched The Grinch, did some snacking and then before it was time for them to go home, Hunter wanted to open a Christmas Eve gift.

We also called and had a video chat with Jen and the boys.

Scott was there with them for the night, they were all playing a game of Catan.

We were going to video chat with her tomorrow too but they will be heading to PEI and so will likely be on the road when we are opening gifts so I'm glad we got to chat with them tonight.

He opened a gift that mom got for him, It was a remote control helicopter.

Mom and Alivia.

Alivia opened a present as well of course, had to be fair.

Then I got Adrien and Rob to open the gifts I'd gotten for them.
Christmas day gets really hectic and so I don't always get to see everyone opening their gifts and these were special gifts I'd picked out so I just wanted to see if they liked them.
I got Adrien the Mandalorian Helmet Lego set.

Rob opening his gift.

I got him this little mini guitar which is a replica of a guitar that Eddie Van Halen had.
When we were young, we had a lip sync contest at our friends house, Tracy Curley.
It was a big deal, we had a stage built in her basement then dad and a friend of his built a wooden guitar for Rob and painted it just like this guitar so it brings back fond memories for me.

Plus anything made into a miniature is just super cute.

They hung out until just before 9, then headed home so Mel could get the kids.
She'll have them for the night then they'll go back to Adrien's in the morning and he'll bring them over here again so we can all open the rest of our gifts.

After they left, Jason and I watched It's a Wonderful Life which is another tradition for me.
I watch it every Christmas Eve.
It is such a good movie and even though I've seen it so many times, I still cry at the end every single time.

Then it was off to bed so Santa could come!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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