Saturday 9 December 2023

Pizza Bianco and Elf the Musical (Dec.7, 2023)

We were up early, got ready and headed out for a run.

I just had to run a 5k and Jason decided he would do the same and we actually ran together for probably the first time ever.

Jason wasn't worrying about being fast, he just wanted to ge out moving so it was nice that he stayed with me, I enjoyed it.

It was already turning out to be a gorgeous day, I mean just look at that blue sky.

We pretty much just did an out and back.

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits.
(I had to wait at a red light for quite a long time so my first km looks a bit skewed)

It was a really enjoyable run.

We ran in a residential area for the most part and there were some really beautiful homes.

I love the palm trees lining both sides of the street.

This house was huge - love the giant porch.

Here it is again just from another angle.

Some of the homes were just huge.

I just love this one - they are fortunate here that they have all this outdoor living space and they can use it all year round.

Lots were decorated for Christmas but I must say that it doesn't feel very Christmasie to me with this weather.
Not something I'm used to for sure.

A beautiful, giant cactus.

Another gorgeous home - I'm a big porch fan.

It is kind of hard to see because the trees are in the way but these people had a mural painted on the side of their house.
At first I thought it was a restaurant or a business of some sort but then we realized it was just someone's house.

The apartment complex our airbnb was in.

Another view of the pool area - it looks nicer in the evening.

We got cleaned up back at the room then looked up directions to a famous pizza place Jason's been wanting to try.
It was within walking distance so we headed over that way.

Pizzeria Bianco.
We've seen it some YouTube vlogs and there always seems to be a huge line up in the videos but we were luck today, no line up.

Unless you count this guy/gal.
I thought it was funny that it said please wait to be seated and the cat was just sitting there as if it was waiting to be seated.

There was a nice courtyard area.

But they were sitting everyone on the inside and they actually sat us at the bar.

I like the old beams they had on the ceiling, in particular, the green color.

Photo bombed by our waiter.

The kitty was still sitting out by the door so while we were waiting for our pizzas, I went out to get some pictures.
The waiter said that this cat hangs out here all the time, they've named her but I forget already what he said her name was.

She's a bit skittish of people, wouldn't let me pet her but posed nicely for a picture.

He said there were a few more strays that hang around regularly and I saw one lying in the sun in the seating area to the side of the building so I went over to say hi to her.

Our pizza's arrived.
I got a pistachio pizza.

Jason got with salami and olives and it was soooo good.
I liked both but I liked his better.

They said they had a flourless chocolate cake with vanilla cream and it sounded so good so I ordered it but it was not what I was expecting, I was expecting something like a lava cake but this was more like fudge and I didn't really like it.
Overall, I would definitely have pizza there again anytime.

Some statues outside of a theater.

They were all naked, not sure why?

Cool though.

Since I was kind of disappointed in the dessert at the pizza place, we decided to try another spot.
I knew there was a Pasty Shop nearby and figured they'd probably have a sticky toffee pudding and they did so I ordered it.
It was awful, it was dry and very disappointing as well.

Jason tried a lamb & mint pasty since we were there anyway, it was just ok.

Cool statue we saw on the way back to our room.

I like the fancy embellishments around the door on this building.

Random mural.

We made a quick run to Walmart so we could get a power cord for the computer, we forgot it at home and I wanted to try to stay caught up on my blog while we were here.
We got the last one they had.

I love looking at their groceries when we come to the states.
They have white chocolate raspberry creamer which I've never seen before.

Grinch Peppermint Mocha.

Amaretto and Hershey's Chocolate Caramel.

We had wanted to go out for supper but Jason got us tickets to go to see Elf live tonight and by the time we got back to the room from Walmart, we only had time to walk over to the theatre - it was a half hour walk but it was a nice evening for a walk.

Love the merch they had.

These ladies came dressed in their elf finest which I thought was super cute.

I'm excited to see the show.

It's a nice theatre, just a small one, I think it only seats 250, but it is nice because every seat in the place is a good seat.

We had really good seats, I think we were in the third or fourth row - awesome views.

It was a great show - some really funny parts and the actors and actresses were very entertaining.
I'm so glad Jason found it and that we were able to go and see it.

The actors were out after the show collecting donation - the guy who played Santa was really funny in the show.

A cool tree that was just out side of the theater.

We were both hungry since we hadn't had any supper so we walked around trying to find a place that was open for some supper but we were having trouble finding a place, everything was closed.

We saw a food truck that was still open so that's where we went.
Los 3 Reyes de Jalisco.

We were so happy that we found it.

I had the quesadilla - I would have liked to have sour cream but it was still good without it.

Just some buffalo in santa hats we saw on the way back to the room.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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