Friday 29 December 2023

Christmas Day at Our House (Dec.25, 2023)

It's Christmas but it's also Monday so that means weigh in day.

I was 210.2 lbs today. 

That's up 1.8 lbs since last weigh in.

We were up early and Jason headed out for a run - bless his dedicated heart.

I had a bath and then made myself a coffee and just sat in my Christmassy living room and enjoyed the peace and quiet before all the chaos I know will be coming later today.

I just love how my living room looks.

I really enjoy all the Christmas decorations.

I called my sister, they are 3 hour ahead of us so they'd already opened their gifts, the boys and Scott had already headed to PEI and she was heading out shortly herself.
She did send a picture of her and the boys from this morning.

When Jason got back from his run, he had a shower then before everyone came over, we gave each other the gifts that we'd gotten for each other.
I got him a trip to Vegas leaving on Feb.28 for a week and he got me a trip to Vegas leaving on Mar.15 for a week.

Great minds think alike I guess.
We will return one of them because we won't be going on two trips that close together.

Luckily we both got cancellation insurance so we'll figure out which days work best, keep that trip, cancel the other one and then maybe book another trip to somewhere else at another time.

Around 10 I warmed up the oven and put the meat pie in - we always have it for breakfast Christmas morning and then Morgan texted to see if I'd come pick her and Kalem up.
As I was leaving, Kody, Haylee, Freya and Eden were pulling up to the house.
Then shortly after I got back to the house, Rob, Adrien, Hunter and Alivia arrived.

The boys all went downstairs and started bringing up all the presents then the gift opening began.

I like to watch everyone open their gifts but there are so many people that it gets a bit crazy and I can't watch everyone at the same time so I don't get to see everything.
Freya got bored of it several times and kept leaving to play for a bit then she'd come back and open a few more so her presents lasted for a long time.

Rob and Jason.

Mom just watching everything going on.

Jason and I.

Morgan made everyone sweet trays which was so nice of her.

She even included little 'menus' with a list of everything that she made on them which was such a nice touch.


Mom spent a lot of time holding Eden and she loved it.

She did put her down for a bit so she could open a few of her gifts.

After the gift opening everyone headed out, some had other places to go, like Morgan and Kalem headed to his dad's place in Barrhead and Alivia and Hunter were heading to Whitecourt with Mel to go to her Aunt's place for Christmas dinner.
Kody, Haylee and the kids headed over to Crystal's to open gifts and Rob and Adrien both just went home to nap.

Jason had been working on Christmas dinner.
He had cooked the turkey yesterday so he sliced that all up then he cooked a beef roast today and he sliced that up too.
We peeled potatoes, carrots and turnips for supper and got everything else ready to go and everyone that didn't have other plans came back around 5ish for supper.
I also invited Crystal, Randie and Zepplyn to join us for supper.

Kody, Haylee and Freya.

Everyone enjoying supper.
Just a few chairs short of everyone being able to sit at the table together.

While everyone ate supper, I sat and visited with Eden.

Paddington getting comfy on Adrien's lap.

After she ate, Zepplyn wanted to hold Eden for a bit.
She just loves her so much.

She brought us a present.

It was a box full of goodies.

After supper (which was delicious by the way), we all sat around in the living room and had a game of Heads Up and just visited.
It was a busy day and everyone was tuckered out so we they all left around 10, except Freya who wanted to spend the night with us.

Freya's favorite Christmas present of 2023

Me and my girl.
Merry Christmas from Grandma and Freya.

Christmas interview with Freya.

Haylee and Crystal posted some of their pictures from Christmas so I thought I'd share some of those here.

Zepplyn holding Eden.

With the cousins at Papa Lloyd and Grandma Rita's.

Doing some decorating in the yard with Papa Lloyd.


Trying a jalopeno.

Haylee and Eden.

Haylee and Freya.

Freya Christmas eve.

The new ornament I got for Kody and Haylee this year.

Kody and Haylee.

This was a picture of Alivia and Hunter that Mel posted from their dinner in Whitecourt.

They are all smiles so I think they were having a great time - Awesome!

It was a great Christmas - spending time with family was my favorite part of course as it always is.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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