Friday 29 December 2023

Work is Done Let the Holidays Begin! (Dec.21, 2023)

I had to go to work so Jason got Freya up and ready for school.

He sent me some pictures this morning, the kitty went in to snuggle with her when Jason opened the bedroom door.

My other kitties don't like kids that much and normally hide when the kids come over so I'm really glad this kitty seems to like Freya.

Freya really likes her too.

When she finally got up, they did some more snuggling on the couch.

It is her last day of school before the Christmas holidays and they are having a little party so Jason got her dressed in her party dress.
He got her to pose in front of the Christmas tree and of course she had to have kitty with her.

It's like her little baby.

He picked her up after school and took her to the store and she didn't want to go so she was being dramatic.
They ran into Kody and Haylee who were heading to the city to do some shopping.

Freya wanted to go but since they were shopping for her, that wasn't going to work so Jason convinced bribed her to stay with him by letting her pick out at toy at the store.
She picked this dog that you can color, right up her alley.

Paddington is so chunky - he was all stretched out on the couch and he just looks like a beached whale.

Today was my last day of work before the holidays as well.
I'll be off now until Jan.2 although I will have to go into work one day over the break to do payroll but I can go whenever I want to so that's not so bad.

I worked on wrapping mom's gifts tonight then I also picked up a bunch of prizes for a game so I got those wrapped up tonight too.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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