Friday 29 December 2023

School Christmas Concert (Dec.20, 2023)

 Work is really slowing down now.

I think a lot of people are already off for the holidays.

I've gotten everything caught up so I'm feeling good.

When I got home from lunch I found these two snuggling together on the couch.

When I got home at lunch, I did some crafting.
I love how it looks.
I got this fabric at Joanne's when we were in Tucson and it is so beautiful.
I thought of taking this down to the Hardware but then I changed my mind and decided to keep it for myself.

Jason picked Freya up after school and took her to the store and let her pick out a snack.
She picked canned whipped cream.

She loves just eating it straight from the can (what kid wouldn't)?

Just a mouth full of whipped cream.

She thinks it's pretty funny.

Freya had her concert tonight so I wanted to get my workout done as soon as I got home after work.

I just walked again - really just wanting to make sure I get my steps in.

Workout complete.
Right after I worked out, I started feeling really dizzy for some reason.

I still managed to curl Freya's hair though and get her ready for her concert.

This is the dress she picked out to wear tonight.

The curls didn't last very well but her hair still looks super cute.

Striking a pose!

Professor Snuggles wanted to pose in front of the Christmas tree too.

We got ready and headed down to the concert but I was so dizzy and nauseous I didn't feel like I could go in there and sit there for an hour.
So I dropped Jason and Freya off and went on home.
I was bummed because I was really looking forward to seeing her in concert for the first time but I just couldn't do it
He promised to take pictures and videos for me though.

When I got home, I got in the tub and just laid in there - I was there for a long time.
I'd feel better then I'd try to get up to get out and the dizziness would come rushing back.
It was so weird, it just came out of nowhere.

As promised, Jason took lots of pictures for me.

He was far away so they aren't as clear as I would have liked but at least I have them.

I think she was looking for mom and dad in the crowd.

She found them, I see her smile even though it's blurry.

She did a really good job of doing all the actions.

As you can see, Jason was on one side of the gym and Freya was way over on the other.

This shot is a little less blurry.

Jason sat with Kody, Haylee and Eden.
He got this shot of Eden just as she was spitting up, ha ha.

There is Hunter with his class, love the tie!

He's tall so he always ends up in the back row.

Zepplyn is in his class so she was up there too.

I think he must have noticed either mom or dad.

He reminds me a lot of Kody when he was that age.

Especially his hair!

At then end they brought all the kids out to do a performance together.

Looks like Zepp had a special performance.

Cool kids - love the shades.

By the time Jason got back I had made it out of the tub and was feeling a little better but still not 100%
I sure hope whatever is going on with me passes quickly.

Freya left the concert with Crystal and was going to go to her house but changed her mind on the way and had Crystal drop her off at our place.

She sat and did some coloring - it's pretty much her favorite thing to do.

She wanted to play hide and seek with Jason.
You can't see her but she's hiding under these pillows in the closet and you can see she's got the cat in there with her.

We went to bed early (I just hoped whatever I had would go away and I'd feel better in the morning).
The kitty came in for some cuddles.

Awww, it looks like she's hugging Freya.

Freya likes to drink out of this Peppa Pig sippy cup she has and she pretends its a bubba.
I swear if we gave her a bubba she would totally love it.

I'm so glad she loves the new kitty so much and the new kitty seems to really like her too.

She fell asleep pretty quickly which was awesome.

Haylee posted this super cute picture of Eden sleeping tonight.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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