Friday 29 December 2023

Amazing Winter Weather (Dec.28, 2023)

I had a really rough time falling asleep last night for some reason.
I was tossing and turning and eventually I just got up and watched the rest of the last season of The Crown.
I think it was after 3 when it finished, I went to bed then and finally fell asleep but because I went to sleep so late, I had a pretty good sleep in this morning.
I think it was close to 10:30 when I got up which is quite late for me.

Jason is working and Freya is gone to Barrhead to visit at Rita and Lloyd's so it's been quiet here.
I worked on some crafting today and then I also worked on my blog.
I'm way behind and I really want to get caught up on the Christmas break here.

I want to do a jigsaw puzzle too on the break and I have been looking forward to it for some time but I won't let myself start one until my blog is caught up.

We have been having such nice weather for this time of year I just had to get out and enjoy it.
I got ready and headed out for a walk.
I wore my running gear thinking that I might try to run in a few spots but it was just too icy out there.

I slipped on the ice a few years ago when we were out walking one lunch hour and I hurt my tailbone so badly, it took close to a year before it was better and I just don't want to have something like that happen again.

So no running out there for me today but I did walk 6k and it was so nice.


I loved getting all the fresh air and as I was finishing up the sun was starting to set and it was just gorgeous out.

This is just a picture of the sidewalk and the road, you can just see that it's all a sheet of ice.
I did wear cleats on my shoes but it was still slippery so I'd walk on the grass where I could to avoid the ice.

Saw this cute idea for old candle jars - think I might actually try this one.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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