Friday 29 December 2023

Boxing Day with Our Girls (Dec.26, 2023)

Freya spent the night with us last night.

I love spending time with her - she gets into stuff and is so busy but I wouldn't have it any other way.


She still likes to have cuddle time and when she says "Grandma come snuggle me" my heart just melts.

We had a pretty chill day.

It was nice out so we did go for a walk.

Jason was out for run and I got Freya's trailer out to push her down to the store.

She ended up walking down there and we met up with Jason, got some snacks then headed back up to the house.

She walked most of the way back too until we came upon a dog that was loose.

Jason yelled at it to go home and it kind of did but I think it scared her so she got back in the trailer.

After supper, Kody dropped by with Eden for a visit.

When she's there I just want to hold her and snuggle her the whole time.

Look at that sweet face and those teeny tiny fingers.

Grandma, Papa and their two gorgeous girls.

She's such a proud big sister and just loves holding her so much.
Freya ended up going home for the night with Kody so after they left, Jason and I watched a bit of YouTube before heading to bed.

He is back to work tomorrow so we had an early night.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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