Saturday 2 December 2023

Tough Run (Nov.26, 2023)

I had to run 12 miles (19.2 km) today and I was really kind of dreading it.

Jason got up early and headed out for his run then when he came back, I headed out.

I wasn't sure where I was going to go but I just started running and thought I'd figure it out.

It felt really tough for some reason today, I don't know if it was because I hadn't eaten enough or if it was a mind thing but I really struggled.

I stopped and walked a few times which I rarely do and coming on the end, I was walking more and more and running less and less.

Jason happened to drive by and saw me out walking and he thought I looked like I was having a rough time so he called me.

I was planning on walking to a store to get some water, I was so thirsty, then I was going to run over to Millenium Place and go to the indoor track to finish up whatever I needed to do but when Jason offered to come get me I told him yes, to come and get me.

I was so done with running for today.

 I didn't quite make it to 19.2 km, only did 15.7 but I'm not going to stress about it.

I've done every other run I was supposed to on this training plan - I don't think missing one is going to make or break my half marathon and I didn't even miss it entirely, I was only a few km short.

The exercise details for today.

My average pace and splits.
You can see how much I was slowing down especially at the end there.
Not my best run but I tried.

While I was out running, Jason checked out of the hotel and he, Crystal and the girls went for breakfast at Cora's.

He got a really nice fruit plate and a bagel.

He said Freya had a banana and hazelnut crepe which she barely touched but she also had FOUR fried eggs.
That girl sure loves her eggs.

When he picked me up, he and I took the two girls swimming at Millenium Place and let Crystal go and do some shopping.
I never take pictures because I don't want to take my phone in by the water.

We swam and played in the pool for about 2 hours then the girls were ready to go.
Freya was hungry and she wanted ramen.

We went to Hu's Noodle House and I had the Tan Tan ramen.
It was really good.

I ordered extra eggs for Freya, she ate all of them then a couple of Jason's as well.

From there, Crystal and Zepplyn headed home and we headed over to the FantasyLand Hotel.
My WCSS conference is there the next two days like it is every year and while I go to that, Jason is going to hang out with Freya.

After we checked in we went to walk the mall and look around but everything was closing.
The mall closes at 6 on Sunday's so that was kind of a bummer.

We did get an ice cream then Freya saw this shave ice with bubbles things on it and she wanted one.
She ate all the strawberry bubbles but not the shaved ice.

Back at the room we ordered in some desserts.
This was a white chocolate shell over top of the cake Freya got, it came with warm caramel sauce you were meant to pour over it but she didn't want it on hers.

So Jason put it on his dessert which was a mango cake.
I had a bite of each and both were good.

We had a quiet night in the room and it was actually quite nice to just relax.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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