Friday 1 December 2023

Snuggles with Eden (Nov.24, 2023)

 It was just a regular day at work today, nothing too exciting.

At lunch I worked on this little tree.

I love how the label looks on it, the tree is kind of sparse though.
It needs something else but I have to think about what.

While I was crafting Freya really wanted to craft too so I let her.
She put this tree together and added some embellishment.
I think it looks great so I set it up on our mantel.

She always wants to make what I'm making - I feel bad because I'm trying to do what I'm doing so it's hard to keep her entertained too.
It's hard coming up for something for her to make on the fly so it's a little frustrating - I have to get some things ready so when that happens again I'll be prepared.

Freya really loves the new kitty.

The new kitty likes her too and allows Freya to tote her around.

I had an easy 5 mile or 8k run to do today and I did it on the treadmill.

So happy to have my workout done.

I had company the whole time I was on the treadmill.

My work party was tonight in the city but I skipped it because Kody's work party was also tonight and he and Haylee were going so we were watching Eden and I was very excited to get some snuggles in.

My plan was just to sit on the couch and hold her the whole entire time she was there and that's pretty much what I did.

This was pretty much my evening and I loved it.

Such a sweet baby.

Freya wanted a turn to get some cuddling in so I had to let her.

Nanny watching over the girls.

She is so itty bitty.

I did let Jason hold her for a bit and feed her but aside from that, she was with me and I loved every minute.

Kody was home by 9:30 but I had a good 4 hours with her and that was nice.
He took her home but Freya stayed and spent the night with us.
We are heading to the city in the morning and taking her with us and Crystal and Zepplyn are meeting us in there for the night.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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