Saturday 2 December 2023

Visitors from PEI (Nov.30, 2023)

I forgot to put the leftover pizza away last night and when Jason got up to go for his run, he found this.

Little Miss Kitty enjoying some pizza.
Needless to say, it all ended up in the garbage.

I'm heading to the city after work today to pick up my cousin and her daughter who are flying in from PEI and light up is in town tonight so I wanted to get a few more things completed to put in my booth for tonight so I was busy on my lunch break.

I added some embellishments to this sign.

I had cut out and sewed a couple more stars last night with a new star pattern I found and I added some embellishments to those on my lunch hour as well.

I really like how they turned out.

I stopped and added them to my booth just before mom and I were leaving town.
I also changed the prices on some of my stuff - I really hope some of it sells tonight.
It doesn't really make me any money but it pays for my supplies at least somewhat which is good.
Plus I would have nowhere to keep all of this stuff in my place but I really enjoy making it so it allows me to keep on creating.

We got to the city around 8 and my cousin only gets in at 10 so I dropped mom off a the hotel then headed to the airport.

The airport is all done up for Christmas.
I needed some steps so I walked the airport a couple times before Joan and Santana arrived to get some steps in.
It didn't occur to me at all to take any pictures when they arrived.
It was nice to see them.

We went back to the hotel and they came in our room and visited with mom and I until really late.
It was after midnight when they left and I totally forgot about getting the rest of my steps in so I missed my goal again - that's twice in one week.
No more misses for the rest of the year!

It was nice to chat with them and get caught up on all the family news.

Back home in Swan Hills, Kody and Haylee took the girls to light up.
Freya wore her Grinch hoodie.

I picked up some Grinch pj's for Eden too so they could be matching.


Freya loves holding her.

The big guy himself made an appearance at light up.

He sure attracts the kiddos.

I love seeing the wonder in their eyes - the magic of Christmas.

Freya and Zepplyn have him cornered.

Freya had a chance to meet with Santa and give him her list.

She looks pretty happy.

Zepplyn and the big guy.

Morgan, Kody and Haylee

They always do fireworks for light up and until this morning they'd been cancelled.
But since we got some snow yesterday, they were able to go ahead with them so that was good.

Mom and I usually go down to Light up - It's nice to visit with everyone so I'm kind of bummed that we missed it this year but I am happy that we got to visit with Joanie and Santana.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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