Sunday 3 December 2023

Frosty Run (Dec.2, 2023)

Santana had to be at her clinical for 8 so Joan and I drove her over there and dropped her off.

Then I decided that I would do tomorrow's run today to get it out of the way.

I had to run 8 miles or 12.8 k.

It was a sunny but frosty morning out there.

I felt like 13k was going to be tough but I just tried to settle in and keep going.

About 7k in I had to use the washroom really badly that I couldn't run anymore, I had to walk until I found a washroom.

It took me about a half hour of walking around to finally find a bathroom that was open that I could use and what a relief.

Then I got back to running.

I crossed over the bridge and even though Edmonton has no snow yet, it was frosty.

The ice on the river looked so cool.

I thought it looked like a bunch of big jelly fish out there.

I managed to get 13k done and I felt really proud.

My exercise details.

My average pace and splits.

Workout complete.
It was so frosty that the little hairs on my face had grown icicles during the run.
I was good while I was running but as soon as I stopped, because I was so sweaty I started feeling quite cold.
I walked back to the room then Joan and I walked over to Farrow to get sandwiches.
We got the roast beef one and it was so good.

Then we headed out to do some shopping.
We stopped at the mall so Joan could pick up some sneakers for Santana and I ended up getting a new phone finally.
I didn't get it set up yet because I have to save a message off of my current one first but I did get a phone case so I'm good to go as soon as I get that done.

Mom stopped in a bakery for a treat and they had these super cute mini duck cookies.
We got some and I'm going to take them home for Freya.

We went to Walmart after the mall then Santana got out early so we went and picked her up.
She said her first day went well.

Rob came in to the city to do some shopping so he came to the hotel to visit with Joan and Santana for a bit then we all went out for dinner.
We ended up going to Joey Mayfield.

Santana, Joan and Rob.

Mom and I.

I had this Beach salad and it was delicious.
I ate every single bite of it.

We did a little shopping at Homesense afterwards and we also picked up some Christmas cards and I helped mom fill those in so she could send them back with Joanie for everyone back home.

Then it was back to the hotel for an early night.

I was looking at Facebook and noticed this post Haylee had made a few days ago - I don't know why I didn't see it before but I thought I would share.

Eden is 1 month old.

So bright eyed.

Night time snuggles.

A proud big sister.

Checking out her toys.

Playing with sissy.

Napping with mom.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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