Saturday 2 December 2023

A Day with the Visitors (Dec.1, 2023)

I only took a half of a vacation day today because I had to finish up payroll and a few other things so I got up early and worked for the morning.

Then when I was done, we all went over to the West Edmonton Mall.

Joan and Santana wanted to see it and explore and mom wanted to do some Christmas shopping.

Mom and I only made it to one store - she got a lot of shopping done but she was tired so we went to the food court for a break but she didn't think she could shop anymore so I took her back to the hotel.

While I was there, I hopped on the treadmill at the hotel to get my workout for the day done.

I had a 5k run on the schedule today.


I really pushed myself and it felt really good.

It was a good workout.

When I finished up, I headed back to the mall to pick up Joanie and Santana.

We went back to the hotel to rest for a bit then we found a spot to go and have some supper.

I've passed by this restaurant many, many times and wanted to try it but never have so I suggested we check it out tonight, Rebel Food and Drink.

I was expecting a diner kind of spot but it was on the fancier side.

Mom and I.

Joan and Santana.
Santana is studying to be a dental assistant and she just passed her written exams a few weeks ago and now she had to come out to Edmonton to do the clinical portion of the exam.
She's a bit nervous but I think she'll do great.

I ordered some hummus for us to share for an appetizer and everyone really liked it.

Mom had fish and chips.

I ordered the beet salad and asked for some chicken on it and it came out with practically a whole half of a chicken on it.
It was really good actually.

Dinner took a while - they weren't the fastest so when we got back to the hotel, we just went to our rooms, no visiting tonight.
Santana wanted to get a bit of studying in then she wanted to get an early night as she has to be there for 8 am tomorrow.

I called Jason, he said the Northern Lights were dancing away like crazy at home tonight.
It's hard to capture in a picture but he tried.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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