Friday 1 December 2023

Wacky Hair Day (Nov.23, 2023)

 It was wacky hair day at school today and I love, love, love the hair-do Haylee gave Freya.

Super cute.

I think Freya liked it too.

Freya wanted to come over for a visit after school.
I love getting snuggles in with her.

My girlie and I.

She wanted to do my make-up - said she was making me into Harley Quinn.
She did a pretty good job actually but she made those red lines with lipstick and man, was it hard to get off.

Mom decided she wants kitty to be hers and kitty seems to be ok with that.
We haven't chosen a name yet, a few we've been throwing around are Edna, Loretta, Lucy Purr-Balls and Little Dutchess.
When we pick one, we'll let you know.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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