Friday 15 December 2023

Cute Casita and 4th Street Market (Dec.9, 2023)

Woke up to a gorgeous morning and since it was now light out, I was able to take a picture of our little casita.

Isn't it so beautiful?
And we had it all to ourselves.

Just another shot of the pool - the water was pretty cold so I don't think we'll be jumping in this trip.

This is looking out at the parking area and the host house.

Then this is standing out there looking into our dasita area.

There is a bbq, eating area and sun sitting area.

The pool has a water feature but it wasn't turned on at this time.

This gate leads into the hosts backyard area.

I like some of the decor they had around the yard, like this turtle planter.

This warthog was super cute.

Just another view of the bbq and sitting area.

I sat outside to enjoy my morning coffee in the sunshine and it was sunny.

Luckily they had a shade you could roll down so I took advantage of that.

After our coffee, we headed out to explore.

We did some shopping and one of the stores we went into had this fish shaped pizza oven - I love it.

We looked up some places to eat and this spot had really great reviews plus it was featured on Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives so we decided to go and check it out.

They had gluten free baked goods that looked good so we tried those.
 A snickerdoodle cookie and an anise and citrus glazed scone.
Both were terrific.

It was a huge restaurant,

Lots of space.

I ordered the potato tacos.

Jason ordered the ropa vieja.
It's a vegetarian restaurant so it was made with jackfruit - everything was very good,

They have won lots of awards at this spot.

After lunch, Jason found out about a market going on in the downtown area so we decided to head over there.

We found a parking garage to park in and it was full so we had to go way up to the top floor

 But we had a nice view of the downtown area.

They had a shuttle service that would take you down to the market so we took that.

It wasn't very far away from where we parked so we could have easily walked but how do you know.

Right away I could see that the buildings in behind the tents had cool murals.

For some reason they had this giant Easter Island head here.

They had some live entertainment.

A girls choir I think, singing and dancing.

We walked a little further and came across more live entertainment - carolers.

I love their costumes - they looked so great.

A little sample of how they sounded - really good.

This booth had these super cute candle holders.

I loved this little crazy bat guy.

This giant rooster was awesome - if only I could have fit it in my suitcase.

There were smaller sizes as well as other birds and I thought they were all really cute.

A giant croc.

It was a huge market.

There were lots of people around.

Then we came across yet another live entertainment group.

A live School of Rock.

The girls were talking to the crowd and they were kind of funny.

A little sample of their show.
We watched them for a bit, thought they were pretty good.

Morme murals.

It just kept going and going.

This metal working booth had cool stuff and I bought a Christmas tree ornament from them.

Another awesome murals.
I love big eyed girls.

I'm telling you, this thing just kept going and going.

They had these full of locks.

Not sure of the significance but I really like them.

There was tons of food - we weren't really hungry though so we didn't end up trying anything.

Did see this plaid shirt with this cool artwork stitched on the back.
I considered buying it for Haylee but I wasn't sure if she'd be into the plaid.

Another awesome mural.

I think murals are so awesome and they really add such a great vibe to an area.

This person parked right in front of the Greetings from Tucson mural so this was the best picture we could get of it.

We left the market and walked back up town just to kind of check things out.
These skeleton reindeer in a store front were interesting.

Happened upon an ice cream spot and decided to try it.
Screamery Ice Cream.

Jason had his in a waffle cone.

I had mine in a cup.
It was just ok ice cream (in my opinion)

I ended up buying one of the candle holders - I was torn between the crazy bat and this one but ultimately went with this.

Next up we went for something to eat.
Found this place on google that had really good reviews and it was only a minute walk away so headed over.
Thunder Bacon Burger Co.

It's in an old building and it used to be a Donut Bar - they still sell donuts but we didn't try any of them.

Jason chose the burger with the blue cheese on it - he always does if it's an option.

I had the PB & J burger - it had bacon on it and kind of a candied bun.
It was good but a little too much on the sweet side for me which is odd so I couldn't finish it but I did enjoy it.

Next we headed over to do a bit more shopping.
We were looking for a fanny pack for Jason to use at the run tomorrow.
We found one with two little water bottles in it for him, then we also got gu packs and protein bars for the run.

We got some other stuff too - I've been having so much fun shopping this trip.

Before heading back to our casita, we found a Crumbl and tried their gingerbread cookie - it was good.
We had kind of an early night.
We have to get up early to head over and hop on the bus to take us out to where we are going to be running the marathon from so we wanted to be well rested.

Haylee shared the pictures from Eden's newborn shoot and they turned out so darling.

Awww, look at her.

Daddy, Mommy and Eden.

I like both of these pictures with the three of them.

The green looks cute too.

I love these pictures when the babies are all swaddled like this.

Her sweet little lips.
This is a favorite.

Daddy and Eden.

Daddy and Eden again.

Mommy and Eden.

Then they had Santa pictures done at light up and those happened to get posted today as well.
I love getting my Santa pictures of the girls each year and then framing then and putting them out with my Christmas decor.
Freya and Santa.

Freya, Eden and Santa

I like this close up one.

Zepplyn joined in for this picture.

I really like this one of all the girls.

Eden and Santa.

I like this one because you can see her face.

I saw that there was one of little Barret in there so I'm sharing that one too.
He is such a little cutie pie.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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