Friday 29 December 2023

Family Christmas Craft (Dec.23, 2023)

When I got up this morning, I decided to do some baking.

I always make haystack cookies for Christmas so I got those on the go.

I quadrupled the recipe so I'd have lots to share with my family.

I was having everyone in the family over tonight to do a craft so I found what we would be needing for supplies and hauled it all out to the dining room.

I also got a meat and cheese tray ready, I have a lot of food these guys are going to have to help me eat up!

Freya with her finished reindeer.

Here's a close up of it.
I love how she does the eyes.

Rob made one and then Hunter started one but he kind of lost interest so Adrien finished it up for him.

Alivia is pretty crafty herself and I just love how hers turned out, it's super cute, very realistic.

I decided to make one too while all the stuff was out.
This craft didn't go over as well as the gnomes did a year or two ago but it was still fun.
I'll have to be on the look out for something to do next year.

Jason was playing with the kids and Hunter wanted to play Jackbox so they got a game of that going.

He kind of lost interest in that too.

Mom just likes hanging out with everyone.

Haylee and Eden.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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