Monday 31 January 2022

Covid = Headache, Literally! (Jan.28, 2022)

 It's Friday, my most favorite day of the week!

I sent all the emails out to all the guys in regards to their bonus points today and it felt so good to get that all completed and out of my hair finally!

Then I spent the rest of the day trying to catch up on things I've been putting aside while I worked on them and I feel like I'm actually making some progress.

I did go out and do some shoveling at lunch time today.

Then after work I hopped on the treadmill to run my 1 mile.

I wasn't feeling the best so I took my time, did it in 15.56.

I decided to just stay on and finish getting in the rest of my steps too while I was at it.

Felt good to be done with it for the day.

I've been watching videos from The Running Channel on YouTube while I run - some are informative, others are inspiring.

I want to get started on my marathon training in January which is coming up right away so I need to find a training plan to follow and I think I want to document my journey, might need to get myself a selfie stick.

I fixed us up shrimp, a salad and kalettes for supper.

I saw these kalettes at Costco last time we were there and I love oven roasted kale so I figured I'd give these a try.
They only took 10 minutes to cook up in the oven and they were really good - they had kind of a nutty flavor.

I think the biggest Covid symptom I've been experiencing is a terrible headache.
I just couldn't seem to shake it tonight so I ended up heading to bed kind of early.

I put a cold wet cloth on my head and that seemed to help out.
It didn't take me long at all to fall asleep.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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