Tuesday 18 January 2022

Long Run & Valentine Crafts (Jan.16, 2022)

I started my morning off with a coffee and a movie. 

I watched Not that Funny - it was a cute, rom com.
I enjoyed it.

Made myself a delicious breakfast.

The temperatures were still quite mild out so I took advantage of the weather and went out for a run.
I wanted to push myself so I did 10k.

The exercise details.

My average pace and splits were much slower but I'm still happy that I got 10k done.

When I got back home, I had some bananas and vanilla pudding with pb2 powder.
Soooo delicious.

I had a warm bath to warm up and because I thought it would be soothing for my muscles.

Haylee, Freya, Crystal and Zepplyn took advantage of the nice day as well and they went sledding.

Having a bit of a snowball fight.

Looks a little cold in this picture.
She told me later that she was cold.

I decided that I wanted to try to paint my clock white so I got the face covered and taped up.
I tried to do the crackle finish but it was a total fail.

The paint just all slid off the side.
So I gave up for now, I may try to spray paint it another time.

I had dropped down to the Hardware yesterday morning to pick up my Christmas stuff I had there and took it home.
I didn't have a whole lot left there, a few trees and this wreath.
I took the Christmas sign off it and turned it into a Valentine's Day wreath.
I'm not sure what I'll put in the center yet.

I also made another wreath from scratch with Valentine's colors.
I'll finish them up tomorrow.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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