Friday 14 January 2022

Many Meetings (Jan.13, 2022)

 Today felt like a super busy day at work.

I started off the morning trying to catch up on emails after missing most of yesterday afternoon.

I had a meeting at 11 for a half hour then I ran to the pharmacy to pick up mom's prescription and mail it to her then it was off to the office to work.

I had a meeting at noon until 1 pm then another from 1 pm until 2:30.

It's hard to get work done with so many meetings

I decided to just stay there and work for the afternoon as I had lots of stuff to print off and scan so I got that all done.

It was still mild out today temperature wise but it was grey and gloomy and dark and I just didn't feel up to an outdoor run.

Thought it might be good to give my legs a bit of a break.

I did get on the treadmill though and ran my 1 mile, took me 15.25 today.

It felt hard but I decided to stay on and get 5k in.

I jumped around on the speed, back and forth from 4 to 4.5 and in between, even walked a couple of minutes here and there but I got it done.

Not the most amazing time but it still counts!

Even broke a sweat!

When Jason got home, we watched some You Tube videos on things to do, places to see and food to eat in Iceland in preparation for our August trip.

There is a black sand beach that looks really cool.
There is also a geyser I want to check out and a beach with rocks that look like varying lengths of square posts all standing next to each other.
Really cool

The hot dogs in Iceland are supposed to be good as is the fish, lobster soup and skyr yogurt which is made right there.
I plan on trying it all.
I am so looking forward to seeing a place that I've not been to before.

I'm sure we'll be doing lots more research before we go.

I've really been sticking to plan on WW this week - I knew I could do it!
Feels like I just need to get a few good days under my belt then I'm good to go.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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