Saturday 1 January 2022

Shoveling, Shoveling! (Dec.29, 2021)

 Freya and I slept in pretty good this morning.

When she got up, she requested an egg.
She didn't eat that much of it but she did eat some.

She and I hung out until her dad came and picked her up at 3.
After they left, I went out and shoveled.

It had warmed up to a balmy -23C out there which felt much nicer than it has been lately.
I hadn't shoveled for days so I had a lot to catch up on - there was a lot of packed snow and it took me a couple hours but I got it all done and it felt good.

After I finished, I decided I wanted a Newfie Poutine so I ordered one and went to pick it up.
It wasn't the best I've ever had but it hit the spot and satisfied my craving.

I was thinking of watching a movie but I had a chill from being out in the cold for so long today and I couldn't quite shake it so I figured the only thing to do was have a bath.

I ran myself a nice bubble bath and soaked in there until Jason got home.

Then we watched Little Women.
I didn't think I'd seen it before but then as I was watching it, it did seem familiar.

Either way, I enjoyed it.

Another pretty chill day in the books.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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