Friday 14 January 2022

Sleeping Beauty (Jan.12, 2022)

 My big plans about taking Freya to school this morning fell through.

She was wired when we went to bed last night and just would not fall asleep.

I think it was close to 2 am before she finally drifted off so needless to say I had a difficult time trying to wake her up this morning.

Poor dear was just so tired so I gave up and let her sleep.
She's such a little angel.

I felt bad that she missed school, she likely would have been tired and grumpy anyway so just as well she got to rest longer.

Of course I had a bunch of meetings this morning but she was pretty good.
She sat beside me in my office and played games on her tablet.

Haylee was dropping her car off to get her heater fixed at 1 so I met her down there, drove her home and dropped off Freya with her.
Freya didn't want to go but Haylee promised they could go see Zepplyn so she was excited about that.

I headed down to the office to do a few things but when I got there, John met me at the door and told me I might as well go home, the power was out.
Turned out it was out all over town.

So I headed back home, shoveled a bit then decided to go out for a run since it was still pretty mild out.

I ran 6k today.

My exercise details.

My average pace and splits.
My pace improved a little today, it felt really hard today.
I think running on that slushy snow has me using muscles that I don't normally use.

When I got back home, the power was back so I worked until about 5 then I had a bath.
I thought it might be nice for my sore legs.

After my bath, I went down and got subs for Jason and I for supper - I didn't feel like making anything and the sub hit the spot.
I only ate half, saved the other half for lunch tomorrow.

Completely agree!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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