Saturday 1 January 2022

Weigh In Day (Dec.28, 2021)

 I completely forgot about weighing in yesterday so I'm doing it today.

I know it's going to be up, I can feel that I've gained.

1934. lbs.

That's up 2.4lbs since last week.
I'm not ready to give up with the treats yet though.

I am going to get back on track here and I was thinking about when.
I was thinking on Monday, after the weekend but that is Jan.3 and on further thought, I decided that I wanted to get started on Jan.1 so I think that is what I am going to do.

That means a couple more days of eating junk and upsetting my belly but I'll get in the few little treats that I've been wanting than I'll be refreshed and ready to start anew.

I am going to reach my weight loss goals in 2022, my 50th year.
I am absolutely determined and I won't give up.

Jason and I watched the 3 final episodes of The Witcher this morning.
I quite enjoyed it actually.

After that, Jason worked on a goals book he started for himself and I watched some of the latest season of Sister Wives.
It's hard to watch, the family is just fracturing and I feel so bad for them.

Freya came over for a visit and wanted to stay the night so of course we kept her.
She and Jason played all evening and then when she was ready to settle down, I got to cuddle with her.

She's such a pro at side eyes - ha ha!

I had picked up a couple of gingerbread house kits thinking we could do them but we never did.
Well Freya got her hands on one tonight and was insisting on doing it, she would not take no for an answer.
So she opened it up and we didn't build the house but I let her decorate it and she was good with that.
Her finished work.

It's been so cold that we've been pretty much stuck inside.
Still -31C and that's not taking into account the wind chill factor - kind of a bummer because we could have been going out for walks and things but at least we have a nice house to stay cozy and warm in.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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