Thursday 20 January 2022

A Gift for our Spider Baby (Jan.18, 2022)

I have just had a crazy amount of meetings this week.

I had four this morning alone! 

I was able to get out and do some shoveling for half of my lunch then I had another two meetings.
I felt like I really needed a break from the computer after that so I went out and did some more shoveling.

There was a lot of snow and it was hard - good workout for sure!
I checked the mail and the costumes I ordered for Freya were in already.

This is the one she picked.

And we ordered her this one too.
I can't wait for her to try them on.

After my shoveling break, I went back to work and worked until about 5 pm then I went back outside and shoveled just a bit more to get everything finished up.
I got all my 13,000 steps today just from shoveling alone.

I did still need to run my 1 mile so I went down and did that just to get it over with.

We are thinking about going to Las Vegas at the end of March so I was doing some research to see who would be playing there at that time and there looks like a few good options.
Carol Burnett would be cool to see.

Adele is also doing a residency and will be there while we are there - I'd love to see her too.
As soon as we book the trip I think I'll buy some tickets to a show.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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