Saturday 1 January 2022

New Years Eve (Dec.31, 2021)

 Once I finally fell asleep this morning, I had a pretty good snooze, woke up around 10 am.

After my coffee, I went out and did some more shoveling.

I'll sure be glad when the snow stops!

Kody was working and Haylee had to go decorate the bar for New Years Eve tonight so I picked up Freya and she spent the afternoon with me, she's going to spend the night too.

Bonnie called me to see if I wanted to go out to dinner then over to her place to play games.

I couldn't do the games but I did join them for supper.

They made a reservation for us at Mr. Mike's in Whitecourt and all travelled down there together.

Nadine and Karl.

June, Bonnie and I.
I'm feeling so big - I've just been eating whatever I want and lots of it and I can feel it.
I gave myself permission to do so and I'm trying not to feel guilty about it but I do a little.
It's back to tracking tomorrow though and so I'm going to eat my heart out tonight.

We got lots of appetizers, wings, shrimp.

Bruschetta, stuffed mushrooms and lobster dip.
We were all hungry and devoured these appetizers in no time.

I got the Oscar Sirloin with garlic parmesan fries and it was fantastic.
It actually had real lobster.

They had sticky toffee pudding on the menu so you know I had to have that.
The whole meal was delicious and I was stuffed but it was totally worth it.

I would have liked to go to Bonnie's to play games but I'd promised Freya she could spend the night and Jason was home so I wanted to spend some time with him.

Kody brought her over as soon as I told him we were home and she was so happy to see Papa.
She had been asking about him earlier while she was here.

They went downstairs and made these garbage bag outfits, ha ha.

She decided that she wanted to get it off.

So Papa helped her.

We went to bed at 10:30 so were fast asleep when the New Year arrived and I'm not one bit sorry to have missed it.

Just a little giggle to end the year on.

I think everyone was hoping that 2021 would turn out to be a much better year than 2020 as far as the whole Covid situation goes and here we are, still kind of in the same spot but you know, regardless of all that, there was plenty good to celebrate in the year and I know this year will be a good one too.

Tomorrow when I post, I'm going to list some of my goals for the upcoming year and look back and my New Years post from last year to see how I did on the goals I made for myself for this year.

One goal I know I met for sure was getting in my 12,000+ steps per day.
I did not miss a day and I'm super proud of that.

Next year, I'm bumping up to 13,000+ steps per day and I'm also adding on a goal of running at least 1 mile every single day.

I'll list more tomorrow.

To new beginnings!

That's it for today, until next time, be happy!

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