Saturday 1 January 2022

Chill Day (Dec.27, 2021)

It is super cold out there, -31C and that's without the wind chill factored in so we decided to skip the city.

Just too cold - we haven't even been outside in two days.

It was ok with me, I was thinking about that puzzle all night anyway so as soon as I got up, I was right back at it.

I got it all done.
I was shocked to see that it was 4pm when I finished.
The time just flew by!

Paddington is enjoying Freya's new chair.

The new season of The Witcher is streaming now so Jason and I started watching it.
We got five episodes in before calling it a night.
It was a pretty chill day.

I did do lots of pacing in front of the tv while watching so I could get all my steps in and I did it.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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