Saturday 1 January 2022

Christmas Day 2021 (Dec.25, 2021)

 Kody and Haylee were heading to her mom's this morning so we decided to head over to my brother Adrien's and join them in their Christmas morning festivities.

Before we headed over there, I decided to take another video of my house decorations in the light.

They had been waiting for us to get there so they could open their gifts so Hunter was raring to go when we got there.

So was Alivia.

Christmas fun.

She got a lot of craft supplies and she was so excited about it.

Morgan and Tanner came over as well.

They were heading over to his mom's for brunch then his dad's to open gifts so they wanted to get a bit of time in with us before they did that.

My Honey and I.

Morgan and Tanner gave us this awesome Christmas present and I can't wait to get started on it.

Hunter got a new race track set so Mel was putting it together.



The Banana pj's resurfaced.

Dancing banana.

He's really got the moves.

We watched them open all of their presents then we headed home, Trina with FCSS was dropping by at 10 to drop off a gift to us and we needed to get started on the turkey and the rest of supper.

Trina brought over a nice big ham and these hedgehogs - it was so kind of her.

After we got the turkey in the oven and the veggies peeled and ready to go, Jason gave me my Christmas present.

We are going to ICELAND!!!

I'm so excited to be going on a trip again and also, we have an actual date for a marathon set now, something to work toward.

I'm not going to run it before I turn 50 but while I'm 50 is just as good.

I got all the stockings brought up for everyone to start with when they arrive (I just use large gift bags).
Then when everyone gets here, they can help me bring up the rest.
I also decided to wrap up the mini recliner I bought for Freya at the last minute.

It was around noon when everyone starting arriving to open gifts.

Freya got a new lip gloss.

She had to test it out right away.

She had already been opening gifts all morning so she was kind of over it.

I had one big present for each of the kids that we brought up for them to open.

Opening presents.

I think she likes it.

My favorite part of Christmas is watching everyone open their gifts.
I love getting people things that they really want and that make them happy, one of my favorite parts of Christmas.

It got really hectic really fast so it was hard to watch everyone but I did my best.

Alivia really loaded up on the craft supplies and I got her a circle light so she could start her own YouTube channel.
I think she'd be great at it.

Freya trying to figure out what was in the box.

She gave up and sat with Grandma and had a bubba.

Opening one of my gifts.

Hunter got a giant remote control car.

Kody opening gifts - I got him a cordless dyson vacuum and I can't wait to watch him open it.

So many presents.

Papa opening a few gifts.

She got Ladybug and Cat Noir and wanted to play with them immediately.
So Papa played with her.

She got new googles too - love them.

Morgan got an Oodie from Nanny and she loved it!

Just being silly.

Tanner and Morgan.

Still running around with those goggles on.

We had supper around 6 - turkey and ham.


Haylee and Morgan.

Alivia and Freya.

Christmas dinner.
It was so YUMMY!!!

After supper, we played Drawful on Jackbox TV.

It's a lot of fun.
Each person plays on their own phone or whatever device.
The pictures show up on the tv and then you have to name the picture then guess which is the correct one.


Part of the crew.

The rest of the gamers.

Kody and Rob.

Aww, look at her sitting on Hunter's lap - so cute.

The kids wanted to have a sleep over so we let them.

One more gift for Papa - he loved it!

It was a really nice Christmas - I think everyone was happy with their gifts and we all got to spend time together which was the best part.

Merry Christmas from our house to yours!

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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