Monday 24 January 2022

More Shoveling (Jan.23, 2022)

 I woke up feeling a bit under the weather this morning, nothing serious but definitely a little something.

Jason did another Covid test this morning and I decided to do one too.

Jason's was positive but we looked it up and apparently you can test positive for up to 90 days.

According to AHS, you only have to quarantine for 5 days unless symptoms persist so providing Jason's symptoms clear up, he should be completed his quarantine after today.

I decided to test as well and I came back negative.

Still is likely a good idea for me to stay away from others so I don't pass whatever I have along.

I really miss seeing Freya - I can't wait until this passes so we can see her again.

The kitties were scrapping this morning for a bit.

Later I found Paddington laying on our bed looking like a walrus.

It ended up snowing again so we had to clear everything again.

Then once we got it all clear, we worked on chipping ice at the top of the driveway again.
We got quite a bit of it cleared away.

The driveway is looking good.

We decided to go for a walk while we were out there - it was a bit windy but not too bad.

When we got back to the house, Jason got to work cooking and I got to work sewing.

I finally got new curtains sewn for the kitchen window.

They were just the ones I had up there before but reworked.

 I'm happy with how they turned out.

Jason meanwhile made mini pecan pies.

He also made biscuits - I requested them.
He makes the best biscuits.

He also deep fried chicken breasts so we could have chicken sandwiches.

Before we ate supper, I popped down onto the treadmill to get my 1 mile in.
Did it in 14.54 today.

I wasn't feeling the best so I was happy with that.

Jason made himself a delicious chicken biscuit sandwich for himself.

I cut my biscuit in half and had chicken, honey and sirachi on one half and butter and jam on the other.
OMG, it was so good.

I had a pecan pie with vanilla ice cream and maple bourbon syrup.
It was amazing.
I was so stuffed though, I had two bites left and I just could not finish.
I hated leaving it behind.

I know weigh in tomorrow is not going to be good.
But it is what it is.
I'm not going to dwell on it, tomorrow is a new day and I'm going to get myself back on track one way or another.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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