Wednesday 12 January 2022

Another Gorgeous Winter Day (Jan.11, 2022)

I convinced Freya to try on the new boots that I got for her over the weekend.

She loves all things rainbow so I kind of thought she might like them.

Getting her to stand still so I could take a picture was just not happening.

It was nice out again today so at lunch time Jason took her down to the town hill to go sledding.

She wouldn't go down the hill but she did let him drag her around on the sled.

They even stopped for an ice cream, it was just that nice out!

While they did that, I headed out for another run.
I pushed myself to do 8k today.

My exercise details.

Average pace was the same as yesterday.
It was getting really difficult near the end so I slowed down quite a bit but super proud that I did it.

I saw a rainbow on my run.
I didn't take this picture because my phone was in my koala clip - too hard to get to.
But I was wishing that I could take a picture then when I was perusing through Facebook later in the evening, I saw someone from town posted this from the exact same view that I'd seen it so I 'borrowed' their picture to share here.

Jason made pasta from scratch for supper.

He rolls it all out.

Then slices it up.

The sauce was loaded with tomatoes and garlic and it was really good.

Kody came by to pick up Freya and joined us for supper again.
Turned out Freya wasn't quite ready to go home so we said she could stay over again.

Jason is back to work tomorrow but Freya has school so I'll just drop her off in the morning and Haylee can pick her up.

She found a beaded necklace and was using it as a weapon of sorts.

Look how serious she is.

Starting off with bead, up next, nun chucks!

She loves coming up with games - has quite the imagination.
She is the cutest police officer that I've ever seen, that's for sure.

Jumping right in to the heavy reading!

Jason was reading his book with headphones in listening to music and she did not like that.
She kept taking them and hiding them.

She thought he wasn't paying enough attention to her and she wasn't happy about it.
It was cute.

We went to bed kind of late and she was just wired and would not go to sleep, no way, no how.
I'd think she was just about to then she'd start singing or chirping like a bird.

She suddenly sat up at one point and said "Just tend that you are the Mommy bird Grandma, I'll be the Baby Bird, we will be the bird families"

She always says tend instead of pretend and families instead of family.
It's so cute how she says families too, I've been trying to get it on camera but so far, no luck.

It was after 1:30 by the time she fell asleep.
Waking her up for school in the morning is probably going to be difficult.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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